Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Summer Cabin Project ~ Soffits & Deck

For the soffits we cut strips of 1x12 planking into a manageable size, painted them, and installed them on top of a layer of metal screening. The screening is to keep bees from making nests in the soffits and is the first layer of defense against the local squirrels, a.k.a. pesky rats, from getting up into the roof and messing up the insulation.

While the young’ins were installing the soffit pieces we worked on the walkway and decking. It is so nice to have a firm place to walk as the quarter inch plywood was starting to give way in spots and slowing down progress.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! We are enjoying the progress and the pride from thousands of miles away. Great job!! Love to all.ny mom & bob xoxoxox

Julia Mist DJune said...

We have enough summer cabin project update photos to last several weeks. Hope you wont get sick of this theme before the end. Love you guys too!