Monday, April 30, 2018

Paradise Lost ~ Book One

“What reinforcement we may gain from Hope,
If not, what resolution from despair.” 

Paradise Lost – John Milton first version published in 1667


Spoiler: Paradise Lost begins after the fallen angel Satan (Lucifer), along with the other fallen Cherubs, have been exiled from Heaven, and when the fallen angels begin to question their plight the Arch-Fiend replies to them with some words of encouragement. 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

It was a long Winter

It was a long winter
time passed slowly
the trees moaned
bent by the will
of the mighty snow.

May spring overtake
the season of white
bring on the green
the long summer light.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Kenny & Karie's Day of Fun

When life hands you an extra day of the week to be together sometimes you hike to a glacier and sometimes your day of fun consists of running errands around town.  Either way the day was enjoyed together and for us that is the best part.

Happy Friday my friends. Get out and enjoy a walk or a painting project either way I am sure you will make the most of the day.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Spring Storm

When April rolls around it is common to hear folks around me joyfully remark about their excitement for the change from winter and the coming of spring, yet for those of us that live in the northern latitudes springs arrival can have a plethora of connotations.

Our perceived interpretation of what the spring season is supposed to look like can sometimes be contradictory to what is really happening outside our windows. And I for one have to keep my heart in a flexible place, if I try to project my perfect vision of spring too intensely on my surroundings I could end up becoming sorely disappointed that spring seems to have forgotten where I live, never to arrive at my door.

Yesterday I was reminded that for a large portion of Alaska, and quite possibly where you live too, there are no season’s only atmospheric influences that bring the current weather pattern.

Enjoy the current weather pattern that you see out your window, and if it is favorable, head outside for a walk in the fresh air.


Friday, April 20, 2018


"Nor need we power or splendor, wide hall or lordly dome; the good, the true, the tender- these form the wealth of home." Sarah J. Hale


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A Little Story about the Big Impact of Little Stars

Some of these little stars were made on an airplane ride to Hawaii, while the others were made in a home off Tuttle Road. They traveled down the road to Bull Street, then they took a long road trip to Arizona, and more recently a flight to Alaska.

What a treasure these little stars are to me. I am thankful that they now call Anchor-town home.

May they shine bright and be a constant reminder that kindness is always worth sharing.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday Moose

The moose are stirring as they search for any new green bits of spring treats in the woods. Drive with caution as they have a habit of crossing the road in front of a line of cars.

Have an excellent week my friends, it all starts here and now. Make the most of this day that you have been given.


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Lunch Out at Glacier Brewhouse

A spring lunch date, before the tourists arrive, might just be the ticket for a pleasant meal at the Glacier Brewhouse. The food has always been delicious but this meal was especially tasty.

Happy Saturday!


Friday, April 13, 2018

Happiness Is ...

Happiness is opening the egg carton on a Friday morning and finding out that the eggs are happy to see you.  I have a rather awesome husband!

Happy Friday my friends, may your weekend shine bright with joy!


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Project Mapping

Lately the path to completion for some of my projects resembles a cabbage, full of twists and turns, turnarounds, and a few dead ends. I am trying to enjoy the hike along this path but I wish there were less switchbacks, and less prickly bushes in the dense forest along the way as I would much rather have a clear view of my completed project. Perhaps I just need a different map, one with less confusing lines.


Saturday, April 7, 2018

When the Sun Returns

When the sun returns my heart leaps for joy and does a little jig in my chest. We might still see some white April showers but those May flowers will surely follow.

Let the sunlight flood your days and spread the joy.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

May I Be

The faces that I love dearest from my past flow through my thoughts with quiet rhythm. I hear their voices in my ears and read their words in the air. The pieces of them that cling to my being are becoming part of who I am. I am infused with their essence. May I always carry them with me. May the best parts of them become who I am.
