Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Happy Birthday Lisa

The threads of life that unite us together tell a tale that for a brief moment sounds too uncanny to be true. Our friendship is here to tell the world the story is true. Our friendship brings me happiness beyond measure. The miles that stretch between us will never dampen the joy and love that I carry for you in my heart.

On this very special birthday I wish for you a heart filled with gladness, and a never-ending list of accomplishments.

Thank you for being my best friend forever.


Friday, February 23, 2018

High Five Friday for Home

High five Friday for the lane, which leads to one of my childhood homes and my Grandparents farm in Minnesota. The memories of summers spent camping out by the lake and enduring the humid sticky air of August. Winter nights when the snow-filled wind blew so hard we thought the roof was going to take flight, and fall weekends of felling trees and chopping wood with my Dad under the crisp clear colorful sky. Long live these memories.

Have a fabulous Friday my friends, and spend your time building grand memories.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Life at Winks Woods

“I wonder, is it true that Curious George does not have a tail?”

“I wonder if anyone else wants popcorn.”

Life at Winks Woods will never be dull.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Uncharted Island

Turning 50 and giving the appearance that you are extremely happy about it seems to be the latest rage, avant-garde one might say. Everyone is doing it you know. It is the best club in town.

Our present-day view on age and aging is to show a brave face to the public eye even though your insides shiver, just a little, with the realization that where you currently are in your life might not be what you envisioned in your youth. A person might also wonder if everything they have done before this birthday is all that they will accomplish in their life.

While I welcome this view on aging, in the hopes that ageism and age discrimination will (also) be something written about in the history books and a taboo behavior, this does little to ease the shivering that I feel today.

I am here to tell you this is scary. This is foreign.

In my youth, being 32 was as far into the future as I could see, and today I feel like I am on an uncharted island, surrounded by waters where I never imagined I would find myself swimming. Shall I let these waters cause me to have fear? Perhaps not, after all Mr. Robinson Crusoe managed to live quite comfortably on his uncharted island for many years (we will ignore the part about the cannibals that sometimes visited his nice island).

Many have traveled this milestone path with these same thoughts and they have continued forward towards their most memorable accomplishment. I am 50! I will not preen or gloat overly about this change in my club status. I will not hide under a mask covered with powder and dust, and I will not be a lamenter who bemoans their life situation.

Is there more to come in the years ahead? Absolutely! When I am 70, I will wish I could tell my past self to buckle up and embrace the waters that have caused me to shiver. Every new island will provide me with new adventures and some of the most memorable views.


Friday, February 16, 2018

High Five Friday for Blowing Bubbles

High five Friday for the simple joys in life that bring you the largest smiles. This might be the best $1.99 we have ever spent.

Have a great weekend my friends.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Steps of Old City Hall

After a fabulous birthday supper celebration at Haute Quarter Grill, where every meal was masterfully prepared, we crossed the street and found ourselves at the steps of Anchor-town Old City Hall. In my coat pocket was the tool with which bubbles are produced and great memories where created.

We even spotted a few Sky-Jellies in the night air.  Thank you Pam and David for your friendship and delightful company. We look forward to our next outing as we seek the elusive Sky-Jellies.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Be My Valentine

Orange you glad to be my Valentine!

Happy Valentine's Day! Share the love today farther and wider than your average day.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Blind Faith

What if faith was blind and our beliefs unguided? Without any influences in our life that told us what was right and what was wrong, what was dark and what was light, would we eventually turn to the light?

What if all the things that we knew to be true were not?

Lord guide us to the next day where we shine in all that we are destined to be. The truth is right there before us. Can you see it? Shine your light.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Pokemon Go in the Snow

Pokemon Go in the snow on a sunny day.  

With February's arrival so arrives the sun.  

Thank goodness and about time as I was contemplating calling Anchor-town quits and moving


Thursday, February 8, 2018

When Scientists Think they are Funny ~ Part 3

Photo credit: phenomenex

Don't let your day sock...
Be innovative and be sure to wear your nerd socks to ensure success.


Monday, February 5, 2018

Here's Look'in at you Monday!

Happy Monday to all near and far, to everyone North and South, East or West.  Here's look'in at you Monday. Stay rock solid and have a fabulous week!


Friday, February 2, 2018

Happy Birthday Carol Jo

Peas in a pod. Friends to the end. Over hill over dale. "Oh I'm in love with a forest ranger..."

We have spent more years of our friendship living in different geographic locations than we did living in the same town together, yet our friendship lives on to this day. I would hazard to say there are few friendships among us that have such a tale to tell. While long-standing friendships such as ours are not entirely unusual, they are rare.

Every day I am grateful for our friendship, and I thank you Carol Jo for being an unbroken chain in my life. Long live this bond that is part of my foundation in life. 

Happy birthday! 
All my love! 
Your BFF, Mist


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Time & Milestones

Time has been on my mind as of late, is it any wonder with the approach of a milestone birthday that my thoughts turn towards time. I wonder where does it come from, and where does it go once it is spent. If you accidentally lose it, can it be found again?

My cousin Ryan has reminded me that time is our most precious commodity. It's value unmeasurable by the human heart, and  as with all commodities once they are spent they are irretrievable.

On this day of great thought and milestones, I will choose to spend my time wisely, with a gracious heart, knowing that I have received a great gift in my 50 years of time. I recognize that I have squandered some of this gift, and have moments of regret, but going forward I will try with all my strength to cherish the gift that time brings.
