Thursday, July 31, 2014

Something that Makes Me Feel Brave!

Something that makes me feel brave... trying something new!

I am so proud of CJ for NOT choosing a Coors Light when her plane was delayed in Seattle but instead trying an Alaskan White!  And she liked it!  

Go CJ! You make me feel brave!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Denali National Park

Hello Mr. Grizzly Bear!

Trip of a life time ~ Alaska ~ get here and enjoy all the sights ~ soon!

This is one trip this family will NEVER forget!

Whats on your adventure list?
... do it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Exit Glacier

We are standing about 150 feet farther back then we did in 2004.

"Burr this water is really cold!"

Monday, July 28, 2014

Flight Seeing Knik Glacier

JT's flight seeing tour of Knik Glacier! Grand time & great adventure!
Bragging rights for this fella around the work water cooler!
Rock on Mr. Adventure!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Hiking Fun

Hello Mr. Moose!

Another beautiful day in Anchor-town made more so by having GREAT company! Thank you for friendship and adventurous spirits! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Flash Back to 2004

What we did today Saturday July 24th 2004... when I was cleaning to move I found a few fun old to-do-lists..

Clean under the stove to include the tin foil ~ Kenny

Plug hole / gap under stove buy new cabinet with wood and silicone ~ Kenny

Cleaned out entryway closet ~ Julia

Cleaned out the garage of all of the give away stuff ~ Julia

Hung flag and holder on fence ~ Drew

Washed winter gear and 6 loads of laundry ~ Julia

Watched Drew eat the eggs he cooked ~ Julia & Kenny

Sprayed the starfish we found on the Homer Beach. ~ Julia

Took tool box from shed to the dump ~ Kenny, Julia & Drew

Took give away stuff to Salvation Army ~ Kenny & Julia

Big day with tons accomplished.  I wonder what today will bring? Do you have any big plans for today?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Something That Makes Me Feel Brave!

Something that makes me feel brave... trying something new!

Crab cakes, curry lentil soup, and scallops! 
Plus don't forget the asparagus!

Rock on girls! 
Your bravery at trying new foods and finishing each dish makes me feel the proud bravery!  

Friday, July 18, 2014

High Five Friday ~ Alaska State Trooper Museum

High five Friday for a visit to the Alaska State Trooper Museum just for their Aunty Dawn!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tip Tuesday ~ Charity

Charity is befitting of a kind and generous soul, just remember not to give away too much of your time, energy or money to the wrong cause, or the wrong people, or the right people too many times.

All young sons and daughters need to remember this bit of advice early and always! And you can never overdue it on sharing the love with those you love. Which I have heard the best way to share your love is by sharing your time! 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Halibut Supper in Seward

We ate supper in Seward after exploring Exit Glacier.  The girls May and Rachel had halibut for supper of which there was not a crumb left on their plates. They did not think they liked halibut but with one little taste they are hooked.

Up next ~ more adventures.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Turnagain Arm

Today's adventure takes us on a small road trip down and around Turnagain Arm to the town of Whittier. I wonder what adventures we will discover today?

A glacier cruise in Prince William Sound.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

They're Here!

Let the ultimate vacation begin! 

Welcome to Alaska Gifts

They are almost here. Their plane is enroute as I type. These boxes are for the girls to collect and store all their Alaska memorabilia. 

Hurry up and get here already will ya!?!