Sunday, January 17, 2021


When it comes to being trendy I am normally not the first in line. So it is no surprise that I have finally picked a word to define my new orbit ahead. 


My younger self did not realize the importance of savoring the moments, the flavors, the seasons in life. I spent too many occasions rushing through to the next. The next life event, the next adventure, even the next household chore. Rush. Rush. Rush.

It is time to savor, to slow down, and if I could I would tell my younger self these words. 

Of course there is a time for action, but if everything in ones life is a call to act now, then there will be parts you missed along the way.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Attraction by Subtraction


The law of attraction can be found amidst subtraction. Attract more open space for new ideas by subtracting excess thoughts from your mind. Attract more creativity by subtracting the clutter that surrounds you.

And remember, the secret to subtraction is to not let the things you freed from your life, back into your life or your thoughts.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Step Two


Step two - get more sleep. If you are only sleeping for six or seven hours per night, add another hour. Quality and quantity of sleep have a huge impact on your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Step One

Step one - remove all the sweets from your house. All the ice cream, cakes, and cookies. Remove all the chocolate bits and bars. Yes ALL the chocolate. You are only kidding yourself that it is healthy for you, especially if all you do is binge eat it while watching something on the television.

Chocolate does not relieve your stress. It does not melt away your worries, and it most certainly does not make everything magically better.

Refined sugars are contributing to the downfall of the healthier self you want to be.


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Joy Hidden in Plain Sight


Joy is found hidden in plain sight. When you give yourself permission to slow down, walk a little gentler, you will be rewarded.

Be ever mindful that joy is there, and you will find what you seek.
