Monday, June 29, 2015


There is a line between being an enabler and being an enabler. Every day I see people who cross that line, and I too have to stop myself from proceeding to close to the edge of providing too much assistance. We all want to be helpful, we want to offer our support to those around us, but in my line of work we have to be mindful that once you have graduated high school and are over the age of 18 we cannot hold your hand throughout your academic career. You have made the choice to attend college, which is a different environment than the high school or job you just left, but these differences are not insurmountable, and the skills you will learn while traversing your academic career will guide you to a successful productive life.

Enabler \ noun \i-ˈnā-blər:

1) a person or organization that makes it possible for someone else to achieve something

2) someone who makes it possible for someone to continue with a behavior that is bad for them


Is it any wonder how we can go so quickly from the first definition to the second? It is a very thin line.

Be mindful to be an enabler and not an enabler. 

Happy Monday my friends!  

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Even More Bike Riding Fun

Bird Creek 

Watch the rock at the waters edge and see just how fast the tide is coming in.

I kid you not the above photo was taken just two minutes later.

And within four minutes the rock was totally underwater. This is an example of why we never venture out on Turnagain Arm. It is a dangerous place to be at when the tide starts to come in.

Oh happy day together!  

Friday, June 26, 2015

More Bike Riding Fun

The above photo was taking from underwater in a small pool of water by the bike trail.

Underwater leaves.

Anyone see any sea monsters?  Me neither.

My superman! 

It was another beautiful day for a bike ride and exploring the underwater world with our waterproof camera.

Have a great weekend. What do you have planned?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Earthquake ~ 5.83

Felt this one for sure. No damage just a few shaken nerves.  All is well.  You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming.

Marshmallow Good Times

Marshmallow good times with good friends and happy puppies! 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Bike Riding Fun

Our first bike ride of the season was a huge success and we are shedding off winter to get ready for summer adventures.

What do you have planned for this summer?

Friday, June 19, 2015

High Five Friday for Turnagain Arm

High five Friday for Turnagain Arm and living in a great place that has easy access to exploring.

Get out and explore the world around you. 
Live large friends! Live large!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Gone Fishing ~ Homer Alaska

The Homer Spit, in Homer Alaska, is a 4.5 mile skinny long piece of land, that on a hot summer day it is totally worth hiring a taxi to take you to the end of the road. If you do plan on walking the Spit bring plenty of water to drink and snacks. You will be rewarded at the end of the hike with a fabulous malt-shake and tasty burgers. And if you are into Halibut fishing this is just the place for you!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Occam's Razor

Photo from the interwebs

Occam’s Razor - "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily."

Occam's razor has also been stated in these forms:

"If you have two theories that both explain the observed facts, then you should use the simplest until more evidence comes along"

"The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations."

"If you have two equally likely solutions to a problem, choose the simplest."

"The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct."

...or in the only form that takes its own advice... "Keep things simple!"

The above quotes are from this web site on Occam's Razor.


So in retrospect when we were on the north side of Atigun Pass, where all the Arctic Ground Squirrels were frolicking in the tundra, and saw the short oriental man in the ditch with the large net in his hands – he was most likely trying to catch supper.

Happy Monday everyone!  Here is to learning new and exciting bits of information, especially when you learn them from your son!  

Friday, June 12, 2015

Determination Effort Approach

Determination Effort Approach

It takes determination to accomplish your goals and purpose in life.

It takes effort and strength of character to grow and become all that you are meant to achieve.

But neither of these two factors will amount to a hill of beans if your approach is not focused and is not grounded on solid footing.


What this photo does not tell you is that this wee birch tree has seeded itself inside of an old coal car that is a foot off the ground.

Be grounded my friends, be grounded!

Monday, June 8, 2015


The lack of harmony that appears to be prevalent in the United States of America today is not a new story. Nor is it new to the human race. The good news is we are enlightened enough in this day and age that we know (or should know) that where one person’s rights end is the beginning of another person rights.

Each day we, as humanity, get closer to the day when we can all live in harmony. A day where we ALL have a place in society, where the young, the elders, the physically handicapped, and intellectually handicapped are accepted and cherished for the gifts we ALL bring to the table (using descriptive labels – but I dislike the need for labels as a way to describe a person, but I understand if they are used respectfully, are okay).

This day, that is to come, will start with our children and by protecting those who need our guidance and caring. When we do this we are contributing to that next generation of honest, nonjudgmental people who are of good moral character, and who will see other people as people and not labels. These children will grow and change the world, yet again, for the better and break the cycles of abuse and bullying, which is a key to a healthier future.


Feeling brave for stepping out on a limb and sharing my thoughts.  

What have you done today that makes you feel brave?

Friday, June 5, 2015

High Five Friday for Big Red Trucks

High five Friday for big red trucks that are the right size for our giant.  What a joy to watch you driving around in Big Red!  Rock on kid!

We love you miles & miles and tons & tons!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015