Thursday, May 31, 2018

Summers Long Light

Summers long light is shining brilliantly in our east window, and as the new rhythm of life in Anchor-town settles into our daily lives, we are making plans to set out on an Alaska adventure. We will be unplugged with our attention wholly engaged on the marvels of the 49th star.

There will be some time and space between posts on Mistletoe & Juniper, and if you want to receive email reminders when I am posting again please feel free to sign up to receive updates. Follow by Email is a newly added feature on the blog and it can be found on the right hand side bar.

Happy summer my friends. Drive safe and remember to water the flowers.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Thick Skin

“They tell you to develop a thick skin so things don’t get to you. What they don’t tell you is that your thick skin will keep everything from getting out, too. Love, intimacy, vulnerability.

"I don’t want that. Thick skin doesn’t work anymore. I want to be transparent and translucent. For that to work, I won’t own other people’s shortcomings and criticisms. I won’t put what you say about me on my load.”

Courage and Power from Pain: An Interview with Viola Davis, May 9, 2018 by B. Brown


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Soul Fever

We do not fight, my husband and I, not in the typical way that people think of when they hear that two people ‘had a fight’. We do not raise our voices. Loud harsh words, spoken in anger, cause us to both disengage and retreat from the conversation. If there is a door that gets slammed in our house it is because the wind from an open window got carried in on a strong breeze.

We work hard, in our relationship as a couple, to foster kindness and understanding with each other. We also understand that each day is not perfect. We are not perfect. Life is not perfect. The picture of perfection is subject to the viewers eye, and for us we have built an image of what we feel is perfection for our relationship.

When life is not perfect and something in our thoughts begins to overrule our normal calm, it can create times when a person gets moody, inconsolable, edgy, and cranky. Those times when an adult seems to be on the verge of a temper tantrum befitting a two year old, those are the times in our relationship that I could never quite put a description to, until now; it's a soul fever.

 A term that Simplicity Parenting is owed all due credit and one that adequately describes those imperfect moments when our feelings and emotions are trying to run away with our ideals of good behavior.

Even as adults we do not always understand our own feelings, sometimes we just need a little time. Just like when we were two years old and no one could quite understand why we were in the throes of a temper tantrum nor could anyone magically help us resolve what was bothering us, sometimes we just needed a little time.

A little time, a lot of solace, and a huge dose of quiet understanding can soothe these flawed moments, these soul fevers.

A soul fever can happen at any age, at any given moment in a person’s life. Sometimes the heat from a fever is quickly quenched, and sometimes it can last a few days. The best thing we can do for each other is to understand that there probably is not one cause for the fever and there most likely is not a magic cure. The best remedy for a soul fever is compassion towards each other with a side dose of quiet understanding.

When the fever breaks, life can again look more like a perfect day.


Inspired by Design for Mankind ASimple Book.  

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Quiet Space

Our wired world and the false sense of urgency that technology has created leaves little space for the quiet to breathe. That quiet that we all crave in the depths of our inner core.

Allow yourself the freedom to breathe in the quiet and give it a larger room in your life.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

One Day

One day we'll get there. 

We are not there yet but we're getting there.

Stop getting there and be there.

No more ginger footing around. 
No more mulling the situation over, it is time to be where you want to be. 

Live it. 
Breathe it. 
Own it.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Spring is the Truthsayer

There has been a lot of chatter recently in the local newspaper about why one person or another are planning to leave Alaska. Letters to the editor addressed to “Dear Alaska” stating all the reasons why they are breaking up with this state and leaving for the prospects of a better relationship with another state in our union. Another state that might treat them better. Show them more. More of everything they feel they are missing. For some it is the need for a warmer sun, for some it is for a shorter winter, one that does not drag on for miles. And for others they have not found the promise of higher wages to be fulfilled. The cost of living through an Alaska winter can put a person sour with the relationship.

These are typical feelings for most Alaskans when springtime rolls around. We are tired of the dark and long for the coming extended days of endless daylight.

Some people see this break in the darkness as a window with which to make their escape. Spring brings renewed hope and for some this means the energy to gather moving boxes and make a plan to get out now while the getting is good. If they wait too long the window will close and the winter darkness will again begin to envelope the landscape with its icy cloak.

If they wait, it will be too late. Escape will have to wait another year.

Therefore, those that are bemoaning their relationship with Alaska find every cause to justify their departure as winter shows signs of relenting. Spring is the truthsayer. It will always weed out those who only thought they loved Alaska when in truth their commitment lies elsewhere.


Friday, May 11, 2018

High Five Friday for Friday

High five Friday for the last Friday of the semester.  It has been a decent academic year and I am looking forward to the small breather before summer sessions starts.  Have a great weekend my friends, keep it on the sunny side, and be mindful to stay out of the way of the local wildlife.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Waiting for a Favorable Wind

If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. 
Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Broad Pass in May

Because taking photos while driving through Broad Pass never gets old.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Box filled with Stars

It is said that people grow as big as the box you put them in. May your box always be as big as all the stars in the heavens.

Congratulation Colleen ~ our pride runs deep!


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Languishing in Limbo

I have never been good at waiting.
Waiting for the clock to chime the time.
Waiting to leave.
Waiting to arrive.
Waiting for the bus or the coffee to drip.
Waiting for the call, the message, or the hour to top out.
Waiting in limbo for next.
What's next?
Who's next?
How can I be next?
Next in line for change.
Next to have my due paid in full.
Next to move forward.
When will limbo turn into the next best thing?


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Fading Light

The fading light of springs long shadow stretches its gaze across my sight bringing promises of summer and endless days of no night.
