Thursday, August 31, 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017 Part 2

Dr. Travis A. Rector - photo owner

Dr. Travis A. Rector, one of our astronomers here at the University of Alaska Anchorage, was in Wyoming for some in-person solar eclipse viewing.  He shared this image with me that he captured during the big event.

All I can say is wow! Wow!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

Friday, August 25, 2017

High Five Friday for Dream Boat Fender Flares

High Five Friday for Dream Boat Fender Flares! We enjoyed our time traveling with this young man. Being a Mom of two boys, who have survived their own teenage years, I am fluent in speaking ‘boy’, and we quickly formed a favorable repute with Dream Boat Fender Flares.

He likes all things vehicle that are hot-rod’ed and shiny. Each new truck or boat or fancy car was his dream vehicle of choice, and we can admire his taste.

All teenagers (and most humans for that matter) can sound like leaky tires at the end of the day when we exhale in exasperation at one thing or another but in Dream Boat Fender Flares defense we did spend the morning pumping up the tires with shush shush shush.

This young man is clever and a pleasure to spend time with in conversation, most of which contained laughter. We enjoyed the ride Dream Boat Fender Flares see you again soon.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Orbit Day

Happy orbit day Bear!  
May each day in the coming orbit be filled with joy, laughter, and hugs.

P.S. thank you for bringing Colleen along. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hike up Flattop

The Gussadings hike Flattop! Ca'caw ca'caw!  
It was a great hike on a very sunny day.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tip Tuesday ~ Google fu

That is right Google fu and you hopefully heard it here first. Google fu is a neologism that you will start hearing as word spreads around the world.

Google fu is a term referring to any search on the internet using the Google search engine. It requires patience, energy, and time to complete as you search for the answer. If your Google fu is strong enough you will be successful in your search.

Or it is defined as having the ability to use Google with zen like prowess.

I’ve heard it both ways.

Practical usage: want to know what these flowers are? Use your Google fu to find that answer.

You are welcome!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

Updated 8/22/2017 7:10 am

Cloudy and rainy in Anchor-town, thank you NASA for putting on a world wide show.

Did you get out and view the eclipse?

Friday, August 18, 2017

High Five Friday for Duchess

High five Friday for Duchess! She comes about her traveling name in the most natural of ways. She is calm, precise, and calculating. She is regal in everything from her handwriting to the way she butters her pumpkin muffins at breakfast.

She is witty in her jokes, and kind to her siblings. She wakes at the crack of dawns first light, which in Alaska could lead to a long day.

May we all carry with us a bit of duchess in our daily lives.

Long live Duchess and her everlasting light!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tip Tuesday ~ Banish your Clutter

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying ~ with over three million copies sold of Marie Kondo’s book there are bound to be just as many posts reviewing this book and her take on cleaning the clutter, forever. First published in Japan in 2010, the United Kingdom in 2014, and shortly after that becoming a household topic you might be thinking why am I just now reading and writing about this book.

I would like to say it is because of the Alaska factor that we are just too far removed from the rest of the world and that life moves slower here but that is not the case anymore for us. The World Wide Web has insured that we too are connected. In truth when I first heard about this book and started to read the reviews I thought to myself, what could I possibly learn, I am after all the Queen of Organization. What new bits of wisdom could I obtain? Then I remembered when you are on a high horse it could be a long fall back to earth.

So, I finally picked up the book and gave it a read.

Her methodology is good. The tidying process and flow with which she leads her clients and the readers through is excellent, and if you truly want to remove the clutter, and the excess stuff from your home and life, this is a worthy approach. You just need to be dedicated to the process. You need to buy into the new American Dream that less truly is more. Which I have been saying for years now, even before it was in vogue, my close friends can vouch for this, less is more!

My takeaway from reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying:

Be thankful to your belongings ~ by saying to your handbag at the end of the day before you put it away in its place ‘thank you for carrying my belongings today, you did a good job’. And by telling your shoes ‘thank you for taking me to all the places that I needed to be today, and doing it in style.’ What you are really doing is affirming to yourself that you have spent your money wisely on useful items and that you are taking care of your possessions. This can lead to a better understanding of how important it is to take care of the things in your life. You, after all, had to work hard to obtain the money to purchase these items. Plus they will last longer, and your money is well spent.

The tonnage of belongings you own does not make you a rich person, it is the quality and care you give your belongings that add extra value to your life.

Less quantity more quality.

Get everything you possibly can off the floor ~ putting items that you own in cupboards, in drawers or on shelves not only gives them a home of their own but also keeps the floors clear for easy cleaning. I personally also try to keep the large pieces of furniture to a minimum. You need a few to give your home that grounded feeling but too many can give your home a weighed down sinking feeling.

Clean floors equal a happier home.

Discard anything that doesn’t spark joy ~ this school of thought has a lot of muscle behind it but I must add in that the wrench set we own in the toolbox doesn’t spark joy in the true sense of her meaning but they are useful and have a place in our home, so they stayed. Nevertheless, do we need four 9/16th wrenchs? I think not, so only one good clean set will do nicely.

More Feng shui ~ lastly, she only touches briefly on Feng shui but I can see why as this topic is covered in many other places. I however would encourage you to learn more about the use of light, air, and the balance of energy in your home. The art of Feng shui should be the next step you take in enhancing the love for your home, once you have freed yourself from all the excess.

On an aside you might also be asking what a photo of a raft of sea otters has to do with tidying? Nothing, they are just so darn cute I could not resist posting their photo today.

That being said does anyone want a clean copy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying? I just so happen to have one. It has given me joy and now needs to share the joy with someone else. Let me know.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Hi-ho Monday

Happy Monday my friends.  My advice to you today is swim on through the week like you are the cutest Tufted Puffin in the colony.

Friday, August 11, 2017

High Five Friday for Bonnie

High five Friday for the second youngest of the Alaska traveling Gussading’s, Bonnie. Her kind generous manner will charm the socks right off you. She is a friend to everyone on the playground, especially the kid who looks like they need someone to join them in the playground fun.

Our hearts were made for sharing love and being around her will remind you of this in case you might have forgotten.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Exit Glacier 2017

Exit Glacier 2017.  We are standing about 20 feet closer than we were in 2014 when this photo was taken during the Montgomery's visit.  

With so many of our glaciers in Alaska on the retreat if you want to see them up close you best start planning your vacation north.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Can I have More Cream?

Because sometimes bad coffee just needs more cream. Alas there was not enough cream in Seward to rescue this cup of joe.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Alaska Beauty

Our house is now quiet and as we put the guest room to bed we reflect on our joyful summer days. We will try to get back to our normal tasks and pick up where we left off in the bathroom remodel project.

Enjoying the last bit of summer flowers in Alaska.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Seward Shoreline

A walk along the shoreline in Seward as the tide is coming in will always add peace to your day.

May you have a peaceful Monday and enjoyable week ahead.

Friday, August 4, 2017

High Five Friday for Chewy & Captain Obvious

High five Friday for Cousin Chewy and her right hand fella Captain Obvious. These two people exemplify the words awesome parents. They team teach their children compassion for themselves and those around them. They lead by example and make corrections when necessary in a respectful manner for their children and each other. Traveling Alaska with these two and the rest of the Gussadings will forever be a cherished memory in my life.

Hug those you love, spend time with them and laugh until you pee. Sharing the love one Alaska adventure at time.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


If I hide my eyes from your blinding light, you cannot see me but you sure can give me a sunburn. As the fella who wrote the speech to the MIT graduating class of 1999 said, wear sunscreen. Believe it! Do it! Live longer.

Happy Wednesday my friends.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Welcome August

Welcome August! June and July you have both treated us well with family and friends that have visited and allowed us to show them our Alaska but we are looking forward to spending time with you August. Your cool crisp days and the smell of cranberries ripening in the woods always bring a smile to my face.

Here is looking at you August!

Earthquake ~ 4.2

Another early morning shaker.