Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My confidence was shot and my self assuredness dusty and dry as dirt thrown into the wind and scattered to the four corners of my thirsty heart.  I was weak with fear of the untried and unacquainted.  Then one word from your calming voice seemed to ease my nerves and set me on a path towards rebuilding my confidence with grace and style.  My anxieties settled down and my ears opened to all you had to say.

Thank you!

I have posted this song before not too long ago and it is fitting to post here again.

The Guy That Says Goodbye

Everyone needs a good tune on a busy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Trip Tin

When we travel and road trip around the state or the world I am always picking up little trinkets from nature.  Wildflowers are my favorite.  I take their picture and I pick a flower or two to enjoy for the day.  When we road trip my side of the dashboard becomes a flower drying perch.  It is the perfect place to arrange the flowers and the sun shining in the windshield dries them to perfection.  When I get home I coat them with shellac and place them in a tin to always remember my travels.  I have also started collecting some sand from the deserts we have visited or the sand from along the banks of rivers to line the bottom of the tins. 

Here is my latest tin from this summer’s Alaska travels.

Names of some of my finds:
Arctic Aster
Dwarf Hawksbeard
Cotton Grass
Dwarf Arctic Butterweed
Arctic Lupine
and King’s Crown

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fall Harvest

Fall harvest is always a wonderful time of the year and best for eating sweet corn from Mom's greenhouse garden.  We had a good feast for Bretten's birthday supper! 

Here's to a great fall harvest in your neck of the woods.  
Enjoy summers bounty.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Farmers Friday

I could not resist ~ these commercials make me laugh.

Happy Friday

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't Be

An hour and a half of my life spent sitting in agony as a stagnate body around the meeting table.  I was a witness to the wailing and gnashing of teeth, an innocent bystander to the heavy signs and the blank stares of confusion.  There were even some who pushed themselves back from the table in an attempt to distance themselves from the opinions of others.  A physical show of their feelings.  They want their way and if they cannot have it they push back in an attempt to block out all others interference. 

I actually left this meeting with a lighter heart realizing my life is okay, I’m not that guy. 

Don’t ever be that guy! 

Today I Smile

Today I smile.
It does not mean that we don't miss you.
It means we are strong enough.
Today I smile knowing in my heart that I am loved.
Now and forever by you.
This love always was and will always be.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Youngest Son

My youngest son has grown into a young man who make good choices.  He will travel this world with heart and strength that knows no bounds.  His kind and gentle soul will lead the way to greatness; a gentleman before his time. A superman! Extraordinary in his giant powers of achievement reaching for the stars.

Happy Birthday BBear!

We love you tons!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Better Than Love

Great song by Griffin House ~ Better Than Love
~ on the album Flying Upside Down!

Monday, August 22, 2011


What: 240 miles

When: September 1, 2011 to February 27, 2012

How: Walking down the road, on a treadmill or an elliptical machine

Why: Because we can and it might be a long winter

Ready ~ Get Set ~ Go!

If you want to get a head start ~ start now!

And remember drink plenty of water!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Farmers Insurance

So... as most of you know I live in a sort of bubble land, a small world in the big State of Alaska.  I do not listen to syndicated radio or television.  We do not pay for or have cable TV.  In fact I rely on my co-workers to let me know when something big is happening in the world so that I am not completely out of touch.

That being said when I recently saw this commercial for Farmers insurance ~ I laugh like there was to tomorrow.  In fact there are a handful of great commercial for Farmers!

“We are Farmers ~ bum~budmu~bubumbadum~

Enjoy your day!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Learning How

It's about learning how to be friends. 
It's about learning how to give and receive complements. 
It's about learning how to ask for help and being a good helper.

It's about learning how to become a good friend.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

There Is

There is an angel among you, do you see him?  His reflection has wings and his guiding powers lead the way.  Among our hearts bounded books we read the signs of his love left behind.

Left behind on drops of rain are these drops of love.  Drops of rain falling around our hearts. 

Do you see the angel among us with rain glistening on his face?

Falling rain

Falling love


Wednesday, August 17, 2011



The dedication to stay in touch and the determination to be connected does not burn desirable in every relationship.  We grow, we drift and we move apart from each other.

What can keep us close?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day Dreamer

I dream of a day when we are together walking along a gravel road lined with oak trees dressed in their fall wardrobe. Song birds are chirping and a red squirrel sounds the alarm as we pass near by his home. The loon calls from a distant lake, to its young ones, to its mate or perhaps to the wind.

As we walk along our laughter fills the space between us and overflows our hearts with joy.

I dream of a day when we are together walking along a gravel road.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Have you heard the expression WOOT and wonder what does it mean? 

The meaning of Woot explained...

Woot originated as a hacker term for root (or administrative) access to a computer. It also coincides with the gamer term, "w00t".

"w00t" was originally a truncated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for "Wow, loot!" Thus the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement.

Current urban culture uses woot as an interjection similar to "YAYE!" or "Woohoo!" used to express joy or excitement, usually about some kind of accomplishment.

Now you know!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


In the long hours of the midnight sun grows the needle of the spruce and the leaf of the birch.  In the long shadows of the midnight sun grows a love vast and forever.  Long will I follow your shadow and live in your love.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


We make choices in our lives and we mark a line and
think that is all there is to our life.
The line is the limit.

You can rise above that line, heck you can even mark a new higher line.
It’s your life!

Remember the cream will always rise to the top ~ be the cream!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Voice

I have enough dreams to fulfill all there is in me. 
One voice to say them out loud.
One voice in a million you hear my dreams.
When the world tries to nix my dreams you buffer me and protect my dreams. 
You would take all for me.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Alaska Flying

If you have not stopped by lately ~
check out the lastest posts over at Alaska Flying.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday morning!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It Was a Great Trip

Alaska sure is a great place to live and to travel.  There are so many awesome places to see and things to do, even if it is just getting out of the car and walking around looking at rocks and wildflowers.

Come to think of it there are cool rocks all over the world and the beauty of wildflowers is that they grow everywhere!  Get out and see the world ~ even if it is your backyard there are tons of great things to see and do!

Enjoy each day!