Tuesday, January 27, 2015

One of the Things I DO NOT Miss about Fairbanks

Photo from the Alaska Climate Research Center 1/26/15 8:50 am

The nasty cold temperatures.  Stay indoors where is it warm and safe.
Think happy thoughts of March!

Monday, January 26, 2015

One of the things I miss about Fairbanks

One of the things I miss about Fairbanks is going to Fox to get spring water! Icy cold spring refreshing water!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

One of the things I miss about Fairbanks

One of the things I miss about Fairbanks is LuLu's Bagels!  

We toast to you LuLu! Keep up the good and tasty work!
Get out and enjoy some local baked goods in your neighborhood.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

March Sunlight in January

Hooray for what feels like March sunlight in January.  Living in Anchor-town does have its advantages.  We hope that you are enjoying your day and that there is some sunlight in your life!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Grandpa

Today is my Grandpa’s birthday, he would have been 92. We miss him so awfully much, and each time I drive by the blue post box a bit of me winces because I do not have a postcard for him to place in the outgoing mail. In the photo above are most of the postcards that I have mailed my Grandpa since his dear wife, my beloved Grandma, passed away in October of 2009. The bottom center right are from 2009 (you can’t see all of them in this photo), the left line is 2010, second to the left is 2011 (notice there are three months missing; January, February, and March), the center line is 2012, next one over is 2013 and the last row on the right is 2014. Grandpa passed away in November of 2014.

The time difference between here and Iowa sometimes made phone calls difficult to make so I would take a part of my work day and write Grandpa a little note. Sometimes they were filled with family news from the northland and sometimes they were just gibberish from a Granddaughter to her treasured Grandpa. But either way they were my way of letting him know that he was loved and always on my mind and in my heart. I hope that they helped to keep the loneliness away, if only for a little while.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!


Thank you dear Auntie Marcia and Cousin Emily (as they came my way at two separate occasions) for ensuring these postcards made it back to Alaska as they carry a lot of memories and love for me.

Share the love and live your life with joy in your heart!  Always!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

By the Firelight

What do you see by the light of the fire on a cold winter’s night? Do you see the newspaper boy out delivering the morning edition? Or do you see a figure that could be Cosette who has gone out to collect the water?

Here’s to seeing something that makes you smile in the dance of the flames on a cold winter’s night.

Happy Thursday my friends!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Winter Ducks

Silly ducks don't you know you're suppose to fly away south for the winter?

Nothing enlightening today just silly ducks. 
Enjoy your day and share the love!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Fairbanks at -15 Fahrenheit

When we were back in Fairbanks for Christmas we were greeted by -15 degrees Fahrenheit and it is enough to take your breath away.  The cold temperatures might be the only thing I don't miss about living in Fairbanks.  And -15 really isn't that cold, all things considered, it could have been colder, much colder!

Friday, January 9, 2015

High Five Friday for Apple Pie

High five Friday for apple pie!  The best apple pie we have had all year!

We hope that your new year has started off as grand as ours.

Remember to share the love often with those you love!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Boot Camp

Welcome to our Lethargy Boot Camp!

Do you think you have what it takes to be a Professional Lethargiest? We are few, we are proud, and we can sleep through any occasion, earth quake or major event!

It takes determination to cover your eyes and sleep through two lights coming on and blinding you. It takes guts to roll over and fall back to sleep after the clock alarm chimes the wake-up hour. It takes fortitude to be able to stay under the covers when the heat ‘kicks on’ and the house warms up to an unbearable temperature.

If you think you have what it takes, when the fatigue consumes you and winters darkness puts you in a stupor, you are welcome to join us in our lethargy boot camp.

Again we will be glad when winters hibernation is over and the spring light returns to the land, until then, sleep on my dear friends, sleep on!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Let the light shine on a new year with gusto and brilliance filled with joy. Learn from who you used to be and nurture who you will become, which most assuredly will be a better version of self.

Welcome 2015 with all your possibilities for goodness, joy, and handsome people with whom to share the love.