Wednesday, November 27, 2019

It Began Here

It began here, my affinity for stickers, stamps are after all stickers that can transport words across the miles or around the world. What do your childhood collections say about the adult you that you have become today?


Monday, November 25, 2019

Kelly Pond

Midnight surrounded the landscape. The outline of the woods and the edges of the frozen water are only discernable to someone who was familiar with Kelly Pond.

Two people sat at the edge of this pond and waited for the darkness to ease.

As the moon rose, it cast an azure light through the trees and across the pond, transforming the snow into a mystical landscape. The brightest heavenly bodies twinkle their wink as the weaker stars were swallowed up in the moon's radiance. Venus, who only a few days ago was delighted to dance with the moon, now played a game of tag across the sky, catch me if you can.

Securing ice-skates to their feet, they ventured out onto the windswept frozen lake, the ice crackling underneath their skates. Their laughter filling the air.

As they skated, circling the pond and each other, they could feel something growing. Was this the beginning? Could the hands of time and the tick tock of fate be on their side?

Their energy spent, they found the ice to be a comfortable bed. Facing the stars, watching their breath plume above them and drift away, they hold hands, for that moment they are one.


Tuesday, November 19, 2019


If items are promises, what do these containers promise?  Is their promise to be realized or let go to make room for something else?  Something that better fits who I am today.

I am a push over for a container, especially if it is shiny.  Add in vintage and belonged to my Great Grandma and I'm sunk.

Any advice? 


Friday, November 15, 2019

2020 Vision

There have been days, even months, in the past five years where my vision of what our future was going to look like was muddled with uncertainty. Before moving to Anchor-town the path forward seemed easy, obvious, attainable. We would have an idea, devise a plan, and implement the plan into action. These recurring uncertain days have been unsettling to say the least, and it is high-time to put these days behind us and have a sharper vision of our future.

We have tasked ourselves with clearing away the overgrowth of debris in our lives, both physical and emotional, our goal is to have an unblemished view of our future. The coming new year brings about opportunities for rejuvenation.

We have experienced a long fall, metaphorically speaking. I suppose you can say it has been a time of resting, and gaining strength. Now it is time to use the gift of our rejuvenated spirits. Time to foster healthy ideas, devise the plan, and see where 2020 leads us.

Our 2020 vision ~ rejuvenation!


True Love Language

True Love Language

It is not about getting what you want, it is more about giving what they need.


Sunday, November 10, 2019

Project Four ~ Textures

Project four is out the door two days early! And it's out of this world. Wood, brick, and rust with a few celestial bodies for balance.

Now it's time to enjoy the remaining hours of the weekend with my favorite fella and a cozy fire in the fireplace.

I trust your weekend was relaxing, invigorating, and fabulous.
