Thursday, September 15, 2022

How do you say goodbye?

 image of book cover on stone table

“I will say goodbye now,” he said. “In a day or two I shall be going away… I shall go back home. I do not think you will miss me.”

The children said good bye cheerfully, and thanked the Cook prettily for the beautiful Cake. Only little Tim took his hand and said quietly, “I’m sorry.”

In the village there were in fact several families that did miss Alf for some time. A few of his friends, especially Smith and Harper, grieved at his going, and they kept the Hall gilded and painted in memory of Alf. Most people, however, were content. They had had him for a very long time and were not sorry to have a change. But old Nokes thumped his stick on the floor and said roundly: “He’s gone at last! And I’m glad for one I never liked him. He was artful. Too nimble, you might say” (Tolkien, 58-59).


Works Cited
Tolkien, J.R.R. Smith of Wotton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham. 12th ed. Ballantine Books. 1982

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Unsettled in the Lessness

 image of a heart shaped rock on gravel ground

by MDJGussak

Petal ponders her lot along the bluffs edge. Her unsettled heart made of clay and silt, dull shadowless empty of spirit. Owning no perspective, matching the water-sky that folds around her pointless in its purpose. Icy rain drops beat against her back like a drummer flogging a metal barrel. The rain swells shameless in their deaf goals, sobs unrequited. Her bones loosen from their layers. Lessness unsettles her resolve. Petal’s time has passed.
