Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fears ~ Worry

To what fears do I own up to? What fears have I faced? Challenged and concorded? How many of our fears are truly in our control? Or in the control of others? Which fears do we face by choice or fears we smack into, no choice in the matter only to proceed forward giving it our all. Live or die!

Fearing for that which is out of your control is more akin to a worry. Where do I place my worries? Those that are out of my charge? In a pocket, a jar or in prayer? Lay your worries on me says our good Lord. Free your heart of worry and fear. Trust in the foundations you have laid.

I have recently verbalized my worry about who will be the mother of my grandchildren. What will she be like. Loving, kind, compassionate, yet firm in guidance, fair in the teachings and consistent in all things. I am a grandchild in this circle. How am I doing dear grandmother? Where you worried for me as I worry for the future? There were years of just cause for worry when it came to my young adult life. Rest knowing those years only made me stronger as I fear less and smile more.

If your fear is a stumbling block. Face it. If your fear is a worry rest it on the Lords shoulders. If your fear is something to avoid, that is what husbands are for, all those legged, furry and winged creatures. You can also rely on a jar, a box, or a tennis ball racket!

1 comment:

CJ said...

I guess I got you thinking...