Thursday, September 20, 2012


Yesterday the bus ride to work included an unplanned stop in the middle of a very busy intersection when the bus and a Ford pickup truck wanted to be in the same place at the same time. Yesterday it was all I could do to post the photos and I am sure you are wondering what in the heck happened.

It goes something like this...

There were seven passengers on the morning bus. Two of the passengers I do not see frequently but the other folks ride the bus often and three of which work at the university also which makes the ride to work normally filled with light conversation about one thing or another. I normally like to sit in the first set of lower seats on the right (passenger) side of the bus as this allots a good view out the front windows and keeps any motion sickness away that might, on rare occasions, make itself known. Yesterday, luckily for all of us, Marcus had this spot so I sat on the left side and one seat away from Jake.

At the aforementioned intersection just as the bus started its turn to the left on the green light Marcus stands up, grabs the support rails above me and next to where he was sitting and yells “WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!” I look up to see the head lights of a truck heading right for us.

The bus swerved to the left. The truck swerved to the right and I brace myself. My left hand on Jake's shoulder and my right hand on Marcus's back-pack as he is now standing in the middle of the isle. I put my head down so that the brim of my hat covers my face and close my eyes.

Ker Slam

And with a jolt we all come to a grinding stop. A few brief seconds of personal inventory of my senses tells me I'm okay and we all start turning to each other. You okay? I'm okay! Are they okay?

Everyone on the bus is okay and the bus driver opens the back door because the front door is now blocked by the Ford truck. Then he goes out to check the folks in the truck where we see the young man, no more than 18 years old, and the young girl beside him nod their heads acknowledging that they too are okay.

One of the folks on the bus called 911 for emergency crews to come to our aid while we are all sitting calmly still, a bit stunned but no one is hurt or hysterical. We are just sitting there listening. Waiting. I am sure we were all doing what I was doing, thinking about the last minute or so and playing it back in our minds to be sure our brains have recorded the events correctly.

Then... we hear... the squeal of vehicle tires. 

Screech! Bang!

What? What in the world was that?

700 yards down the road another vehicle accident. We are sure it was someone pulling out of the coffee shop stand gawking at the accident we just had and were in one themselves.

When the emergency vehicles showed up with their flashing light it was as if the lights snapped me out of my daze and I remembered that I had brought my camera to work with me to take photos at our staff luncheon. I looked down at my lap, where I had placed my camera bag when I got on the bus, it was still sitting there safe and sound. I turned to Jake and said “I have my camera I should take a few photos, its not everyday you're in a bus accident”.

As I got my camera out of the bag and ready to take some photos I exchanged nervous laughter with the lady who was sitting to my right then got up to take the photos that I posted yesterday.

Once the emergency crews and the State Troopers assessed that everyone truly was fine, took our statements and a second bus had arrived to take us passengers on to our destinations, they escorted us across the street to the other bus and away we went away. Away from the flashing lights and away from the carnage in the middle, and I mean dab smack in the middle, of the intersection and back on the road to work none the worse for the wear. 



Julia Mist DJune said...

News update on the second accident ~ one of the drivers was Jake's sister. Strange cowinkydink! She was not a gawkier but knew that her brother was on the bus and was distracted with worry.

In both accidents ~ everyone is okay and the "stuff" is replaceable.

jakesirevaag said...

It's all true. I was surprised by how little shock I felt at the moment of impact. A city bus has substantial inertia! My take home from the close encounter: you never know what a day might bring; be sure to bring your most to it. :) -Jake

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thanks for the comment Jake and making the morning ride to work enjoyable!