Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fresh Snow & Sunshine

There is fresh snow on the Alaska Range and Mt. McKinley is just visible in the last photo.  Most of the cranes and geese have left town and the leaves are turning yellow with a few having a hint of red and orange.  Perhaps we will have fall for two weeks this year, one can always hope.

Enjoy fall in your neck of the woods.


JoAnn SweetPepperRose said...

Hey Julia, snow?? we're still sweating and swatting gnats, mosquitoes and wasps, and now the "love bugs" are everywhere! I'd like to enjoy your "coolness" for about 2 weeks!

Julia Mist DJune said...

Yesterday was the first recorded day for this fall where the temps dropped below 32 degrees F. It was 29 at the Fairbanks International Airport. Hailed small pea size hail twice yesterday and once today. Beat some of the yellow leaves off the trees.

Enjoy the love bugs...

Thanks for stopping by to comment and enjoy the warm. Will keep you posted on the first snow!