Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Spring Storm

When April rolls around it is common to hear folks around me joyfully remark about their excitement for the change from winter and the coming of spring, yet for those of us that live in the northern latitudes springs arrival can have a plethora of connotations.

Our perceived interpretation of what the spring season is supposed to look like can sometimes be contradictory to what is really happening outside our windows. And I for one have to keep my heart in a flexible place, if I try to project my perfect vision of spring too intensely on my surroundings I could end up becoming sorely disappointed that spring seems to have forgotten where I live, never to arrive at my door.

Yesterday I was reminded that for a large portion of Alaska, and quite possibly where you live too, there are no season’s only atmospheric influences that bring the current weather pattern.

Enjoy the current weather pattern that you see out your window, and if it is favorable, head outside for a walk in the fresh air.


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