Friday, April 27, 2018

Kenny & Karie's Day of Fun

When life hands you an extra day of the week to be together sometimes you hike to a glacier and sometimes your day of fun consists of running errands around town.  Either way the day was enjoyed together and for us that is the best part.

Happy Friday my friends. Get out and enjoy a walk or a painting project either way I am sure you will make the most of the day.



Anonymous said...

Awesome "day of fun". What is with the Smuckers. and what project is the plywood for? always curious what you two are up to. I still need to get my wood for my project. Need it done by Memorial day or will need a rain day after that. That is what I was told by my guy. Have fun. Love you both. Grace.

Julia Mist DJune said...

Good morning dear friend. The jelly jar contains the remaining exterior paint for our building. When our association had the buildings painted two years back I asked for some extra paint to do some detail touch-up around the windows. The painting crews are never as meticulous as I prefer. The plywood is the new deck flooring, we removed the old astro-turf and will have a nice stained flooring instead. Easy to sweep with a broom is the goal! Can't wait for you to see it! Have a great Friday! Hugs and love backatcha!