Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Would You Change?

What would you change if you had the chance?  The color of your hair?  The sheets on your bed?  Or perhaps the cat box?  Would you take that leap of faith and change something that has been digging at your craw for the longest time?

I have had a ton of things change lately and not by my choice so the thought of change makes me a bit woozy and weak in the knees.  But change is good, it keeps us sharp and unafraid. Heart burn might be a result to some changes but this too shall pass and the new fresh day will rise and shine in all it's glory.

What would you change if you were not afraid?


CJ said...

Oh I think you know my friend...thanks for the call. It was needed :)

Julia Mist DJune said...

Believe in ones self and the knowledge that you have the power to change is a wonderful thing.

Seeker of laughter said...

If I were not afraid...the break down of my mom's life after Duke's death and her stroke. I would say what really needed to be changed for the better of my inner family to make us whole, healthy, and happy. But that is one change that will never happen, and unfortunately have been told as much, but have two little reason why I will just change my attitude and smile more.

Julia Mist DJune said...

Sounds like the most needed change will not happen but not by any fault of your own. What would give you peace in this situation that you CAN change? What can you do to make more smiles, laughter and good times? You DO have the power! You are STRONG of heart and a leader among us all.