Wednesday, May 13, 2009


To be able to confess to someone else, or should I say to be able to fess up to someone that you have made a mistake is a trait that we all do not possess. As a parent when you have discovered that your child has stolen candy from the store you teach them right from wrong and escort them back to the store to apologize and to pay for the candy.

The same standard is upheld when your child is mean to another. In the form of mean words spoken to another child or pushing them on the play ground. The parent instills in their child the lesson of right and wrong. To have a sense of regret for having harmed someone else.

There is the act of asking for forgiveness. There is in return the act of accepting said forgiveness.

How is it that when we grow up some people do not have this trait instilled in them? Did they forget? Did they have terrible parents? Are they just mean jerks who do not care one iota about anyone else or their feelings? All good questions to ponder.

If you make a mistake by all means be apologetic, ask forgiveness and if you must eat humble pie.


CJ said...

Maybe the grown ups...aka parents made their children apologize but never really apoligized themselves, hence the child learned that when you become an adult you no longer have to apologize.

Julia Mist DJune said...

The wise words that you share are so valuable to me and my family.


You hit this one in the bulls eye!

Julia Mist DJune said...

My co-worker apologized to me for his offensive words and threatening actions. It was a heartfelt apology as was my acceptances. Forgiving and moving forward.

In his case it was not until someone told him of his offense that he realized anything was wrong. Selfishness, being to involved in himself to even see others around him breathing air.