Thursday, April 16, 2020

Diaries of a Foisted Home Office

*Because humor is currently my way of dealing with this very stressful time*

Home Office Inmate #32620

Work day 17: I have settled into a routine which always serves me well, as I am sure it does you, and a sense of normalcy has returned to my work tasks. I did return to my campus office the middle of last week, after seeking permission from the administration, to retrieve my full computer workstation desktop and monitors. I thought that working on a laptop would be okay but given the length of time our hunkering down will be, and the type of tasks I routinely perform, it quickly became apparent that I am more efficient working with more monitor real-estate. This change has added stability and comfort to my work day.

The next nuance that I need to master is leaving the job at the home office door, and not bring it into the rest of our home.

I am thankful to be working the type of job that is weighted heavily towards computer based tasks as this allows me the ability to work from home. Something I do not take for granted.

May each of us continue to find peace in these troubling days. Stay strong in mind and spirit, and continued good health to you and yours.

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