Thursday, March 7, 2019

Sightseeing Tours

The photo above is highlighting the travel adventures of an item I have recently purchased. The manufacturing plant is in Tempe Arizona, and on March 4th they packaged up my item to be shipped north to Alaska.

I am fairly certain this package took a truck ride from Tempe Arizona to Bell California, and then switched trucks and traveled to Ontario California. From there this happy little package has boarded a flight to Louisville Kentucky.

I wonder where it will go next. Does anyone want to wager a guess? If so, you might want to know that another recently ordered item took a two-week sightseeing tour of Jersey City New Jersey. By the time it arrived in Anchor-town Alaska, it looked like it had attended every carnival in the Jersey City area, and rode all the rides until it was green around the gills.

Luckily, the item inside the package was safe in a plastic wrap and only suffered a minor crinkle in the top left corner. Let us hope this newly shipped item is not out touring for as long, arrives intact, and unharmed.

I will keep you posted.

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