Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Spring is the Truthsayer

There has been a lot of chatter recently in the local newspaper about why one person or another are planning to leave Alaska. Letters to the editor addressed to “Dear Alaska” stating all the reasons why they are breaking up with this state and leaving for the prospects of a better relationship with another state in our union. Another state that might treat them better. Show them more. More of everything they feel they are missing. For some it is the need for a warmer sun, for some it is for a shorter winter, one that does not drag on for miles. And for others they have not found the promise of higher wages to be fulfilled. The cost of living through an Alaska winter can put a person sour with the relationship.

These are typical feelings for most Alaskans when springtime rolls around. We are tired of the dark and long for the coming extended days of endless daylight.

Some people see this break in the darkness as a window with which to make their escape. Spring brings renewed hope and for some this means the energy to gather moving boxes and make a plan to get out now while the getting is good. If they wait too long the window will close and the winter darkness will again begin to envelope the landscape with its icy cloak.

If they wait, it will be too late. Escape will have to wait another year.

Therefore, those that are bemoaning their relationship with Alaska find every cause to justify their departure as winter shows signs of relenting. Spring is the truthsayer. It will always weed out those who only thought they loved Alaska when in truth their commitment lies elsewhere.


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