Monday, July 10, 2017

Clean House

It is almost time for our next summer visitor and the house is overdue for a thorough cleaning. There are loads of laundry to wash and for this task I choose to use Seventh Generation laundry soap. They make a light smelling, plant based formula that is easier for Mother Nature to break down, and still cleans our clothes.

There are mirrors to clean, and floors to wipe down. This is where a solution of white vinegar and water shine through. I aim to make a 1/3 vinegar to 2/3 water solution but most times end up with something more like a 50/50 mixture.

Baking soda for the tub and those pesky stains on the counter, and dish soap for everything else. Dish soap to clean inside the toilet bowl, the sink, the window screens, the dishes; you name it dish soap is where it is at for the end all be all of cleaners. Currently Palmolive Pure & Clear is in our cupboard but we also use Ms. Meyer’s and Seventh Generation, both are great products.

Oh and there is one more item that the clean germ-disliking-person inside me has in the cleaning cupboard and that is Lysol wipes. I know what you are thinking but I can't help myself.  I think it is mostly because they are something that I can use to clean those really yucky spots in the house and do not have to have guilt for just throwing them away at the end of the job.

Time to get cleaning.

1 comment:

CarolJo said...

I've gotten rid of the Lysol wipes and made my own out of Thieves household cleaner.