Monday, February 20, 2017

Dark Corners

We all hide something in a dark corner, some truth about ourselves we do not want anyone to see or to know. We hide these truths mostly from ourselves, which I think is because if we were to face the facts of these truths it would be devastating, to ourselves or perhaps someone in our family. In their place, we create false memories, and envision peaceful scenes that we can share with everyone; look-see is not my life perfect.

Yet these truths gnaw at us from the murky corner we have placed them in, and they surface begging for attention, longing to be permitted to see the light of day. However, if we allowed this to happen it would mean that we would have to admit to ourselves that we had indeed created false memories.

If you took away these illusions of your life what would be left, and what other truths would be found hiding underneath.

What would you do with the truth once it was free?

Admitting the truth to yourself is healing but would anyone else need to know or the better question might be; do you need others to know to heal?

The goal should always be to heal, and to become the best version of yourself.

Honesty, love, and kindness are all worthy attributes to carry in your heart. Sometimes it takes a dose of bravery to let these attributes shine through but believe me it is worth it at the end of the day.


CarolJo said...

It's time to sweep out those dark corners, but don't sweep it under the rug in the process. Instead sweep it out the front door into the open and breath in the freshness. Then change the light bulb so that corner is no longer so dark.

Julia Mist DJune said...

Very good advice we can all follow.