Wednesday, December 21, 2016

News from Antarctica

Over the past few weeks Drew has sent us updates from the ice, here are a few of the highlights that I want to share.

November 20, 2016


Last time I flew down on a C17 just like this time. Later in the summer, the snow surface can't take the weight of a C17 so they use the C130s. I didn't get to fly on the LC130s (the modified ones with skis) since they're usually used for the flights between McMurdo and South Pole. I saw one on the ice when we landed this time though, pretty cool!

So far the training is boring "death by powerpoint" reiterating standard fire and waste management safety. Coming up is vehicle training and field camp and outdoor safety training which is much more interesting. Unfortunately, it's all done inside though; we do it in a lame loading bay.

We did sign up for Thanksgiving on Saturday so we get to look forward to that! Say hi to everyone for me.

November 21, 2016


We've got some weather down here for sure, high winds and snow since yesterday afternoon. The breakdown is in three ranks: Condition 3 is normal weather (low wind, high visibility, not too cold); Condition 2 is shitty weather and out of town travel is restricted (high wind, poor visibility, pretty cold); Condition 1 is the worst (think blizzard in Barrow) and even travel between buildings in town is not permitted. We had condition 2 in town earlier yesterday and condition 1 out at the airfield on the ice for a while. I hope it clears up in time for us to drive out to our site without any trouble. Good thing I'm pretty familiar with the cold and the dangers therein!

Most of the training we have left is more practical things. The snowmachine training was a joke for us and the instructor knew it. He said something like, "You probably all own seven snowmachines each!" He actually let us go after he said his minimum required speech. In a little bit we have the Mattrack (lifted F350 on tracks) and Pisten Bulley walkaround which is always a good refresher. The last training is an outdoor recreation safety lecture that's required to do any recreation out of town, including access to the observation tube. They sink a manhole-sized acrylic tube down below the sea ice and you can climb down and gawk at all the weird life. We missed our opportunity for this last year, so we plan to go right after the required training today. Should be cool!

November 22, 2016

We got to go out to the site with most our gear today. It's prettier out there than I remember! I noticed a black dot out on the horizon on the trail out there and investigated with my long lens. Out on the ice shelf was a very lost seal that was either dead or really sleepy. We'll see if he still slumbers tomorrow morning; reminds me of that sleepy squirrel we saw in Germany.

Anyways, hope you're having a great day!

November 29, 2016

Camp setup is long done and work is well underway. We've stopped for lunch today after raising the last equipment vault up to the surface. Now we need to calibrate the sensors, do some upgrades, tidy up the miles of power cables, prepare to move BOB; still lots to do.

I haven't put many pictures up lately since I've been taken a bunch of timelapses. I've had some neat ideas for those I'm trying out so we'll see.

Lunch today is a choice between ravioli who's "best by/freeze by" date was seven years ago or canned chili mixed with boxed Mac and cheese. Yesterday I had brown rice and half a can of salmon covered in hot sauce: yum!

Hope you have a more creative lunch than me.

December 6, 2016


We had a snow day here yesterday too, snow blowing sideways from (seemingly) all directions at once. I didn't bring my boots to my tent for the night and had to trudge through shin-deep snow to get to the kitchen because the path had been filled in. We didn't do much yesterday but set some calibrated sensors back out and pull another pair for calibration. Then I drank hot chocolate! We have it so difficult out here...

I don't know why all the old food and I've never worked up the courage to ask. Maybe they get a good deal on it? I think 2002 is still the oldest package we've eaten.

Anyway, I better get back to breakfast. Love you!


Love you too son!  See you at Christmas!

If you want to check out his photos on Flicker follow this web link click HERE!

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