Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I am not special to this world.

I can hear you saying ‘no that is not true - you are special’!

And yet…

This world is enormous and filled with billions of people, where original thought happens in one single instant simultaneously in multiple locations around the globe. I might even go as far to say that we share similar life familiarities with others, where there might only be a few differences in our life experiences that make us slightly unique from another person. Our stories are all similar. We are all partaking in the same human experience, just our view out the window is different. We are all alike and therefore, as I see it, I am not special to this world.

And yet…

I am special to my family and those that love me!

Embrace those that you love, and the unique love that you have for each other. Share the love with those you love. Today. Tomorrow. Always.

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