Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kitchen Remodel

How is the kitchen remodel progress coming along you asked? While Josh and I enjoy large projects such as these and are normally the jump in gett’er done kind of folks, this time the fates seem to be dogging us with sunny days and other shiny objects. Plus there is something that has changed within me that drives my motivation to finish projects.

Near as I can figure it has to do with having an empty nest, you see when the nest is full, your dance card is ALWAYS full with all the requests from everyone in the household. But now that my nest is empty and my dance card seems to have fluttered off-stage, I stall and delay, thinking that if I complete this one project, this one dance, then what will I have to do once the dance has ended.

Enjoying the sunny days of summer are good but over enjoying is how Grasshopper got into trouble when the winter months arrived, so I best think about finishing the kitchen and finding another dance project partner.

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