Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Skellig Michael ~ Puffins

Thought I would add in a seagull photo too.

Skellig Michael is a bird sanctuary for these little fellas and a few other birds species as well.  In May and June the Puffins are nesting on the island and on this day since it was cloudy and foggy there were more puffins hanging out on the island. If it would have been a nicer day they would have been out to sea fishing.

There were a few that we spotted coming onto shore with a beak full of fish and then they would dart into the burrow to feed the young'in so I was not able to get a good photo of them with a beak full of fish.

Watching these birds take off and fly is just amazing.  It is like they have to jump off the clifff and flap their little stubby wings as hard and fast as they can to propel their little  bodies into the air and fly.  It was truly an amazing sight to see.

Puffins are just so cute.  Don't you just want to squeezes them they are so cute?

Rule no 8: Thou shall not squeeze the puffins!

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