Saturday, July 14, 2012

Muckross House ~ Killarney

This nineteenth century Victorian mansion is set against the stunning beauty of Killarney National Park. The house stands close to the shores of Muckross Lake, one of Killarney's three lakes, famed world wide for their splendor and beauty.

We spent the morning exploring Muckross house grounds, gardens, and woods then walked to the waterfall.  We however did not take any rides from the horse bandits. 

Rule number 7  ~
Do not talk to horse bandits.
This rule applies specially to me! 


JoAnn SweetPepperRose said...

Julia, have I mentioned that I'm GREEN with just a WEE bit of jealousy see all your fabulous pics? Keep'em comin'!

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thanks JoAnn ~ Ireland is a wonderful place you should plan a trip and have a look see! There are a few more weeks of photos to come.

Thanks for stopping by the blog for a visit!