Sunday, July 8, 2012

Glenveagh National Park

Glenveagh National Park lies in the heart of the Derryveagh Mountains in the north-west of Co. Donegal. It is a remote and hauntingly beautiful wilderness of rugged mountains and pristine lakes. The Park, over 16,000 hectares in extent consists of three areas. The largest of these is the former Glenveagh Estate, including most of the Derryveagh Mountains. To the west are the quartzite hills around Crocknafarragh and to the south, the peatlands of Lough Barra bog, Meenachullion and Crockastoller.  

It was still sunny and the shuttle bus ride back to the castle and gardens was a stuffy 15 minute ride shared with a group of German tourists.  We could not get off the bus fast enough.

Oooh for some shade to hide under out of the suns rays! 
"You guys can hang out over there I will just wait here
 for you to get your act together"!


There is nothing like the clear blue of the sky reflecting on the clear cool water on a warm summer day in Ireland.  It was a great day and we left Glenveagh National Park headed south to Sligo for the nights lodging and some supper.


Anonymous said...

Hi DAUGHTER!!!! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pics with us. It's almost like being there since you tell us so much about each place. So glad you had such a great time! LOVE YOU! NY MOM

Julia Mist DJune said...

Hello N.Y. Mom ~ we are so glad that you are enjoying the trip posts and all the photos. Each day was such a grand adventure. It is a pleasure to share them with you guys. Have a great day in N.Y.

Sunny and warm here too!