Monday, February 9, 2009

What's New?

What's new with you? Is there anything that I would find exciting? Anything that you might think is just another small detail in your day but one that I would find neat that you wish to share? Now remember this is me you are talking to and I find the smallest things in life make the best stories.

Did you have a thought you wanted the entire world to know? Perhaps an epiphany, change your entire outlook on life sort of stuff. Anything? Anything at all?

Perhaps you want to share just what you are doing right now... this very second.


Ken said...

The news here is that it snowed(!)last night in the hills. In Tucson Arizona. So I'm trying to have coffee to wake up, take pictures of the snow before meltage, and make a list of things to get done today...all things I'm sure you can appreciate.

Julia Mist DJune said...

Cool... coffee, picture taking, and making a to do list! Man after my own heart! Love you!

Ken said...

You have taught me all the important things in life my dear. Love you too!

CJ said...

It's been over 40 degrees in MN! There has been a lot of meltage! We are seeing big patches of grass and there is a lake growing in my back yard!

Ken said...

As of 2/11/09 @ 11am I now have a Commercial Pilots license! WOOHOO! That's whats new with me.