Monday, February 16, 2009


That ever needed always wanted touch. To have contact with another person, to touch, to hug and kiss or just to be physically close to another, holding hands, is a driving force within all of us. It is almost like the skin is a direct link to the heart and can fill the emotional human need to feel excepted and loved.

The warm squeeze of a hug, the embrace from another that shares love. Are you giving and receiving your daily allotment? What if the person who needs your hug the most is miles away? You can send your words of love through the telephone line but they cannot replace the warmth of a hug. What if you could send a stand in, a proxy hugger?

Having small children around is a way to ensure you are always giving and receiving hugs as they are natural hug magnets. As we age people do not always show the warm affections that we still need in our lives. Are you giving and receiving your daily allotment of hugs?

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