We surround our body with stuff. We fill our body with stuff. We spend money on stuff. People see the stuff around others and judge their value by the value of the stuff. Granted a comfortable home, that roof over your head and warm dry bed to rest in is a must. Food on the table ~ healthy food ~ that feeds the body with goodness is also a must. We must keep in mind as we are in the world working, making money, just what do we want to do with this money. How much stuff do we need and what value these objects hold in our lives. Less is more! Live simple. Learn that money is just a tool. A tool to use to accomplish those things in life that you wish to. Remember benevolence is better than greed.
Your soul ~ your being. Your faith. Sharing the same faith with your spouse, meditate together to strengthen your relationship with each other.
Heart, body, and soul ~ sex, money, and faith. When you understand these things and how they work in your life you will add to your enlightenment.
Good advice for anyone, regardless of their age.
At the present time I'm working on these elements in my life.
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