Wednesday, January 21, 2009


To be separated from someone that you care about can be a challenge. There is the wandering around the house wondering what to do. The time spent catching up on those projects you were just waiting for the right time to complete. Then there is that time, just time, spent in that blank stare into the abyss.

When there are young children to care for time can pass quicker. Teenage persons, however, do not require as much time just your presence, and the care taking mostly consists of food and a stocked refrigerator for the house to be happy, leaving you with time. Time, that great commodity, when we have little of it, is in high demand. When we have more than you are used to, well there is always that abyss thing to turn towards.

The husband is on an adventure for a few weeks and I will have the bed to share only with the cat. Whom by the way is elderly and requires a lot of space to stretch out and to be under the covers for the heat, no matter how many humans are in the bed. I will have to make my own coffee in the mornings, which always takes me several days of practice to get back into the swing of producing a good tasting cup of joe. Then there is the lonely factor, the conversation and sharing will now have to be conducted via the telephone and we all know just how I love long distant phone conversations. The expressions and the body language required in my story telling just does not convey well over the phone.

The weeks should pass well enough and I am thankful that I am speaking of weeks and not months. My heart and prayers go out to those families who are separated due to their military duty. Thank you for your sacrifice past and present



CJ said...

Call me...

Anonymous said...

you can call me too....