They were so out of their minds with the lethargy that this sounded like a good idea. Now granted the younger brother is tall and the ceiling is closer to him than the rest of us, but this task still was a challenge. He rose to the occasion and jumped ~ hit his head and collected his dollar. The kicker is that I did not have the camera out to video document the event so I asked him to do it again... for Mom he again jumped up and hit his head on the ceiling.
"I will give you a dollar if you let me shoot that gram cracker you are eating with my air soft b-b gun".
School starts back up tomorrow for the younger brother and classes start on January 22, for the oldest brother. I think we are going to survive another long Christmas break.
Weather forecast today: highs from -30 to -50 F with dense icefog in the valley (the entire town is in the valley).
Forecast tomorrow: highs from -30 to -50 F with dense icefog in the valley. I think that the weather man too has given up.
Stay warm and safe!