Thursday, January 9, 2025

Truth of Consequence

image of snow covered birch trees in a winter forest

Truth of Consequence (yes of not or)

Jumping jumbled opinions surrounded by the "look here... no wait... look here," moving from one disjointed thought to another are diversion tactics not unlike the trickery sleight of hand of a master magician. When we blindly listen to loosely connected ideas we can more easily be swept away in the torrent of misinformation.

In order to make sense of what is truth and what is merely a plausible falsehood, our due diligence requires that the information and details that we are presented with be broken down into individual segments. Individual ideals or dogmas that can be further explored and researched in order to uncover truths that we are willing to accept.

Critical thinking is the foundation with which we are able to explore "what is truth?" without letting another person’s paradigm of a belief system interfere with the process.

Oh, and it is a known fact that you can't possibly be lied to if you are also listening to classical music.


Monday, January 6, 2025

Vanquishing Formidable Foes

image of an artistic view of old 1960s camera flash bulbs

English, in its written form, has been my nemesis since second grade. On the other hand, oral rhetoric has in no way been problematic for me, just ask my grandpa, I can talk the cows ears off and drive them to the yonder field with numerous words as sharp as a dog’s snarl.

The written concept of the English language can dish it out and I will volley my best return. I aim to vanquish this formidable foe. Even the naysaying poetry workshop instructor can take their best jab at shooting down my satellite. I intend to remain in orbit.

Oh, and I almost forgot, although I actually try quite hard to do just that, forget. Forget my seventh grade English class filled with the mortifying comments by Mr. Shea. The public shaming of my spelling skills set me on a long path of self-doubt as a writer.

Time to pay homage to what was misplaced through the years. It is time to seek the long-desired degree. Bachelors of Arts in Creative Writing and English, I see you!

I will vanquish this formidable foe!


Thursday, January 2, 2025

 Image of ice crystals on a window glass in the shape of snowflakes

Through the dense layer of icefog we see neither tree nor beast. It is only when we toil to climb the hills that the stars come into view.
