Thursday, November 29, 2018

Less is More

Less counting calories and more wise meal portioning

Less sweeteners and more enjoying foods true flavor

Less jars and more original packaging

Less quantity and more quality

Diligence is required to maintain a healthy relationship with food. When we let our emotions rule over this relationship, overindulgence can create a false sense of hunger. The amount of food we think we crave and the amount that our body truly needs can be vastly different.

Today is a good day to let the less be more.


Anonymous said...

Love your post today. Rick and I were going to take the easy way out for supper tonight (Friday) and order the 1/2 price pizza special take out, and after talking on our way home from work, we changed our plans to some fresh fish in the freezer given to us by friends, with some home grown green beans, it will be a perfect Friday night supper. Fresh and in original packaging. Thanks for the reminder.

Love you. Grace.

Julia Mist DJune said...

You are more than welcome! Sounds like is was a great supper together. *love & hugs*