Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Swimming with the Dolphins

“Good morning my dear friends”, came Alex’s voice over the PA system. “We are going to change this morning’s plan, please be at the panga in 15 minutes with your snorkeling gear on. We are going to head over to where the Captain has been spotting dolphins all morning. See you all at the panga in 15 minutes”.

Who am I to challenge a directive from Alex? The group all scrambled to change clothes and get on our snorkeling gear, it was a whirlwind moment and I did not even stop to think about the implications of what this change of plans might mean for me or my bravery. Bravery that just might waver given the chance.

We were a bit farther from shore than I was used to, I was sitting on the ocean side of the panga as Alex announces, “they are coming back this way, everyone get in the water”!

Alex diving down to take photos 

At that moment I added something to ‘That List’ that I never imagined I would ever want written there, and I got into the water! I stuck my face down, and was delighted by what I could hear. The dolphins chattering to each other as the pod of them moved past us in the water. The dolphins did not stay long and we did not either – thank the sweet Lord as I quickly ran out of bravery.

I took the three above photos!  Yup that's me! In the water with the dolphins.

Once we were all back in the panga we followed the dolphins as they swam closer to the Grace. Everyone jumped back into the water, except Marie-Christine, Thierry, and me. As the others snorkeled with the dolphins Pablo drove the panga in circles in a wide perimeter around them and the pod of dolphins. All the while whistling a tune that he said the dolphins liked. I rode up front, hung on and leaned over the bow. As we circled there were always three or four dolphins that danced in front of the panga, swinging in and out of our front wake and splashing me with water as they took breath.

Now this was on the list!  Check!  Life is good!  And being on vacation is even better! 

Josh took the above and below photos.  Brave fella!

Josh's foot and the shark he kept an eye on!

If I remember what Alex told us correctly, only one in a thousand visitors encounters dolphins on their Galapagos trips and to be able to snorkel with them is a very special privilege.  


CarolJo said...

Swimming with dolphins is on my list! That is so cool you got to!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful, AK daughter! Love to you all!! momnbob xoxoxo

Julia Mist DJune said...

I'd do that again but only next time you MUST be with :)

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thanks you two! Love you guys back!