Thursday, July 24, 2014

Flash Back to 2004

What we did today Saturday July 24th 2004... when I was cleaning to move I found a few fun old to-do-lists..

Clean under the stove to include the tin foil ~ Kenny

Plug hole / gap under stove buy new cabinet with wood and silicone ~ Kenny

Cleaned out entryway closet ~ Julia

Cleaned out the garage of all of the give away stuff ~ Julia

Hung flag and holder on fence ~ Drew

Washed winter gear and 6 loads of laundry ~ Julia

Watched Drew eat the eggs he cooked ~ Julia & Kenny

Sprayed the starfish we found on the Homer Beach. ~ Julia

Took tool box from shed to the dump ~ Kenny, Julia & Drew

Took give away stuff to Salvation Army ~ Kenny & Julia

Big day with tons accomplished.  I wonder what today will bring? Do you have any big plans for today?

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