Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Spontaneous Combustion

There just might be evidence of spontaneous combustion around here if we do not get some rain.  Well more than some rain, we could use two or three days of flat out cloudy raining weather. How hot was it yesterday you ask, well it was 91.4 F. which is 33 C. which is icky hot for us Popsicles.

Looking to the Southwest towards the Healy area and Denali National Park. The smoke is climbing up to Chena Ridge from a fire near Nenana.  Someone on the bus this morning said the fire was close to Skinny Dicks.

Looking to the Southeast as the smoke drifts towards town, North Pole and the road to Delta.

Check out this local newspaper article: Two wildfires reported off Nordale Road - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Local News

Click on this photo to enlarge
 We do have a good resource for information about Alaska Wildfires and all the updated information.  Check out the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center web site. My cousin used to work for BLM ~ busy summer job!

Stay cool, drink plenty of water, and think rainy thoughts!
Happy Wednesday everyone!

1 comment:

Julia Mist DJune said...

PS: the fire near Skinny Dicks (which is a bar halfway between here and Nenana) has caused the Park Hwy to be closed at mile 314 North bound and 344 South bound. The air today in town is smokey, it is like being at a campfire that is just about to go out type of smell. Which by the way is icky. Oh and the Parks Hwy is one of the two roads to Anchorage. It is too easy to get cut off from the world up here.