Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lake Minchumina

There was still ice on Lake Minchumina June 8th.

Fishing is a highlight for most visitors and the few residents that live here.

Hooray for boats from Minnesota!  Now if you think about it just a bit and look at a map of Alaska you will realize that there are no roads to Lake Minchumina. So how the heck did a boat get all the way out here from Minnesota? Well the facts are these... there are tons of transplanted folks from Minnesota that have made Alaska home on account of the weather here being better. So someone moved here from there, drove the Alcan Highway and brought their boat with them to Fairbanks.  Then they had a wild hair to live at Lake Minchumina and why not this place used to get mail delivered here so how remote could it be. So in a load of goods in a large transport airplane, out flew the boat along with all their other worldly belongings.

Do you notice the placard on the door of this truck?  It once belonged to the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) now it is owned by Denali West Lodge.  Sometimes Alaska is like a third world country in the fact that once an item has been transported to the remote areas there it stays and is utilized until it cannot be used any more.  Then it is left to sit and become part of the scenery. Alaskans are among the best recyclers.

Someone else landing here to have a look see around. 

A beautiful day beside a beautiful lake. 
Lake Minchumina ~ if you ever get the chance to visit this place ~ do it! 


Anonymous said...

HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! To our lovely daughter in AK!!! How about a trip to the beautiful lake 07/21/2015???? Trying to catch up on all the posts. LOVE TO ALL!!! XOXO MOM

Julia Mist DJune said...

Hello back at-cha! It is GREAT to have some comment love from my NY Momma! When you guys get here we will see all sorts of wonderful Alaska places... can't wait! Glad to have you back on the world wide web, you have been missed.
Love to you guys too! See you soon!

JoAnn SweetPepperRose said...

Looking at your pics make me want to get away from the terribly humid hot S. Ga heat... love the red boat, and my husband would die for that old Ford truck ;-)

Julia Mist DJune said...

Hot here too but you're right we do not have the humidity. Alaska is littered with old trucks every where and for sale I am sure. Every thing here is for sale for the right price :)

Thanks for the comments.
Have a good day.