Friday, February 1, 2013


There is one more story from our Hawaii adventure that I wish to share with you, the fact that I went snorkeling. Yup that is correct yours truly swam with the sharks, well we did not actually see any sharks thank goodness. If I would have seen even the smallest shadow of a shark I would have been out of there so fast the beach would have wondered what happened.

Do you have that one thing in your life that you are truly afraid of? Something that would make you break out in a cold sweat just to think about it? Well I do… sharks. It even borders on the irrational fear that sharks live in swimming pools. Needless to say it was a big deal for me to put the mask and fins on and stick my face in the water. It took a bit of time and kind words from my husband but I did it and here is the proof.

Keep in mind the photos are from a very inexpensive preloaded with film disposable underwater camera so the quality is lacking my normal flare.  But they tell a story of an Alaskan girl who, after 30 years living on the frozen tundra, had a fun time snorkeling and seeing all the beautiful fish.

Needless to say this is one adventure I can now cross off the list.
Hooray for facing a fear and trying something new!

1 comment:

Ken said...

High five for snorkeling with the fishes! I'm very proud of you for persevering. You did it and the proof is right here! Good job!