Friday, February 8, 2013

Blank Stare

The more birthdays we have the more knowledge we gain, and life experiences that we did not have in our younger days. This might not be a new fact to you nor is it to me; however this is something that has become truer in my life now that I have celebrated a few decades of birthdays. I guess this is the point in the conversation when a few of you say to me “welcome to the club!” Well I say back to you “it is nice to finally be part of the wise club!”

It is not that I disliked being young and living in the clouds as oblivion is bliss. But there comes a time for us all to wake up and smell the roses for what they really are, sometimes they are sweet intoxication and sometimes those rose colored glasses are just make believe flowers.

A younger co-work of mine ask me a question the other day and my answer seemed to prompt a blank stare as if they just did not understand. They do not have enough life experience for true comprehension, no baggage that they carry and no past hurts to smooth over. Nothing gets dredged up from their past that they have to build a bridge over and there is only the blank stares of non-responsiveness.

This blank stare doesn’t necessarily mean they do not care ~ they just do not understand.

For all those people in my life who had to suffer me though my younger years of my blank stare ~ thank you for sticking with me and allowing me the birthdays necessary to be able to join the wise club.


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