Friday, August 10, 2012

Dirty Paws

Currently listening to 
Dirty Paws by
Of Monsters and Men



Anonymous said...

EPIC - too many meanings to this word, but unfortunately it is my every day work life. You know that, you took me away from it for 2 days last October. Yeah.

Am enjoying your pictures of Ireland, Dawn is following too, as this is a dream vacation of hers as well.

Have a great day, love you tons.


Julia Mist DJune said...

I must admit you DO work an EPIC job :) and do an epic job. We just love October in the mid-west and can't wait to have many many more Octobers, Septembers, Aprils...

Glad Dawn has been following along too, she should be able to pick up an Ireland map and follow our route by the post titles. If she needs any one on one trip advice we would be glad to share some of our insights.

I am off work today and going to the property with the guys to help work on the cabin. Photos coming soon! Love you tons too & have a great day!