Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We have been afflicted with an ailment; it seems to have affected the entire household. The symptoms are abnormal drowsiness and sluggish behavior. We have an aversion to activity and a listlessness that appears to be drastically affecting our mood as we are short tempered and easily agitated. We however do have bursts of energy and laughter that are onset by one or two members of the household instigating a practical joke on another member. However, there is great disappointment among the bystanders when the practical joke goes unnoticed due to the complete torpor of the intended butt of the practical joke.

Might I also mention that is it -45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Diagnosis... lethargy.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Another Day Closer to Christmas

We again find ourselves waiting for Christmas. That magical day when all seems right with the world, all is calm and all is at peace. If only for a brief moment this peace can fill your being and warms your heart.

The past several years I have had the good fortune to spend my Christmas with five others who also enjoy laughter and the company of each other. We all have something to contribute to the small clan that is this family and as we grow and change my hope is to maintain the closeness that we share.

After a dinner of lamb with chipotle sauce, salad and Spanish corn we spent time opening gifts. We had drawn names back in November for the person we were to make a gift for, something from the heart, something handmade. For the most part we stuck to this plan, and the gifts that were produced will be remembered for all time. The sock puppets, the puppet stage and Grandma's Puppet Play will be long remembered.

Then came the Dutch apple pie with ice cream and a game of Canasta. We played well into the dark of the afternoon and with a bit of luck my teammate and I pulled ahead of the leading team to win. Thanks for playing cards with us Dad, here's to next time. You can be on the winning team.

To all our family and friends in the states and around the world remember Christmas is coming! Enjoy the new year ahead.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Longest Day Ever

Everyone else will tell you that yesterday was the shortest day of the year. They are incorrect on two accounts. First today December 22 is one minute shorter as the sun rose today at 10:59 a.m. versus yesterday when the sun rose at 10:58 a.m. Second today is not the shortest day of the year but the looonnget ever. The day just goes on and on, dragging on for miles upon miles of darkness. To top it off the clouds hung around for most of the day, no white stuff to cheer us but instead only gray skies above.

You go to work in the dark, you come home in the dark, when you look at the clock the time could be morning, it could be evening one is hard pressed to tell the difference. As we enter the 13 days of our mandatory winter break, as the university is closed, we enter that time when we will get up with the sun and stay up till the wee hours of the morning trying to pretend that out world is not dark and cold.

Good music and delicious food will fill our days with delight as we try with all our might to ignore the deep of winter that we find ourselves partaking of.

December 22, 2008
Sunrise 10:59 a.m.
Sunset 2:41 p.m.
Altimeter 2992
Temperature 5 F
Dewpoint 0 F

Found a new song I like today; I have not listened to the entire album but this song shows promise.

You'll be loved
Someday you will be loved
Like you have never been loved before.

Someday You Will be Loved by Death Cab for Cutie on their album Plans.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Songs of Joy

Sing the songs of the season, joyful and triumphant, toe tapping and heart thumping to the beat of the joyful music. If this sound is so joyful why does everyone complain about all the blissful music that fills the air? Do we really miss the repetitive songs that are on the regular syndicated stations? Do we really want to hear the top ten again, and again? A few short weeks of change, what can the harm be in that?

If you like classical, jazz or the hoe down of the country sound, there is a Christmas song to delight your ears and sing that familiar beat. Whatever digs you prefer there is something that I am sure will lift your spirits. If not the rhythm may it be the words that resound in your ears, bring a smile to your face and dance to your feet.

I am not the type to go all out during the Christmas season, the work of the set up and the tearing down of the holiday decorations has never been on my list of favorite things to do during my adult life, and since my children are young men now, we do not feel the need to have the house decorate with any trimmings. What we do enjoy most is the relaxing day of good food and being in the company of family.

My Mother is the caretaker of Christmas, the master chief and hostess for the day. This Christmas dinner promises to be delicious and mouthwatering, the apple pie will be cut into six equal pieces, topped with ice cream, and savored while the card game of choice is in full swing. It's going to be another GREAT Christmas!

May the Holly and the Ivy fill everyone's ears and the smiles on your faces bring joy to your hearts.

Many times many way... Merry Christmas to you and yours.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Full Day of Sun

9:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

Moon at 11:00 a.m.
off to the west

11:13 a.m.
The sun finally clears the mountains

12:15 p.m. high noon for us

2:10 p.m.

2:13 p.m.
There are three tall mountain peaks that are visible from my vantage point, the sunrises just to the west of Mt. Hayes and by high noon the sun is past Hess and Deborah. Hayes is the tallest at 13,700 feet and Hess at 12,040 feet. It was a beautiful day with the sunlight filling my office and brightening up everyone's mood. It is still to dark too tell what today will hold but I will cling to yesterday's glory.

To everyone I wish for you a sunny day.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Dark Gray Day

Sunrise 10:53 a.m.
Sunset 2:40 p.m.
Photo taken at 1:30 p.m.
Heavy snowfall at this time


Friday, December 12, 2008

Passing of the Sun

Sunrise photo taken shortly after 10:48 a.m.

Midday sun around noon and 10 minutes later as the clouds moved away.

Preparing for sunset photo taken at 2:10 p.m.

Clouds finished their task and covered the sky by 2:30 p.m.

Sunset 2:42 p.m.

The day of viable sunshine passed rather quickly for me today.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cold Moving In

Driving back to work this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. the moon was rising behind my building at the university, the moon is large, glowing, and full. What a sight to see just as the sun prepares to set. If only the glow from the moon had the same healing powers as the sun.

Now the moon is high in the sky encircled in rings signaling a change in the temperature, another cold spell moving into the area. It is predicted to be in the 30's, the negative 30's.

Time to hunker down with a warm glass of something in front of the wood stove or fireplace whichever your house is blessed with. There is too much to be accomplished at work tomorrow, so playing hooky is out of the question. I will trudge to the bus stop, do my duty at work, and head home for a long weekend winters rest, not a nap, just a rest. It is only a true nap when the husband is home from the slope and we can nap together!

No matter the temperature tonight, I will open the bedroom window shades and enjoy the glow of the moon through the night and dream sweet dreams with loving thoughts of my dear best friend Lisa, as we can never look at a full moon without thinking of each other.

May the moon light your way on this cold night. May its mystic fill your heart with wonder.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Greatness surrounds us in a warm blanket. As I read more, see more photos, and listen to music I am in awe at humanities greatness. People are truly fascinating. At times I pale in comparison to my fellow traveler and I wonder why I would keep trying to produce that one thing of significance.

My mother is an artist with limitless talent, creating pieces of artwork in a variety of mediums. My father is a wood smith, welder and restorer of old rusted machinery, John Deere is his favorite color. Sometimes it is hard for me to feel I cut the muster to be their daughter.

May the greatness that surrounds us inspire us to seek enlightenment and edification.


Monday, December 8, 2008


My new obsession ~ sun tracking

A cloud bank has formed over the Alaska Range,
the rest of the sky is cold and clear blue.
The sun is hanging precariously on the crest of the clouds.
I have to fight the urge not to look directly at the sun which is hard to do
considering the fact the sun is below eye level.

Sunrise 10:39 a.m.
Sunset 2:47 p.m.
Temperature -23 F
Dewpoint -28 F
Altimeter 3005


Friday, December 5, 2008


Darkness loomed out the window despite the late morning hour. Sunrise comes late in the north this time of year. He looked past her to view his reflection in the window as he adjusted his tie. She purposefully stepped in his way forcing him to look at her. She wanted his attention, not sure why or what motivation was driving her.

"Don't make me hurt you," he said with a coy smile.

"You would never do that." An audible laugh in her voice.

"You're right," a smile on his face giving away his meaning. He finished his task and turned to leave, glancing back with an approving look.

At that moment she realized her motivation. Desire. Craving. She longed to feel his hands encircle her in a firm embrace, to be crushed against his warm welcoming body. Her heart raced at these thoughts.

Unexpectedly, he was gone, rounded the corner, out of view.


Written by Julia Mist D'June ~ December 2008 

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Each moment we smile we bring joy to the person who is in the vicinity. A smile is contagious, infectious, and transmittable. As we spread this joy or if we choose to wear a long face remember never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life.

I recently read an email story that used these last few words and it reminded me of the impact each one of us can have on another. We might think that our universe is a colossal expanse but with all its wonder and might each of us occupying our teeny amount of space can affect others that cause an event cascade of huge proportion.

Smile ~ share the ray of light with each other.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I woke this morning with the sense that yesterday was a dream. A daydream mixed with a dose of reality, not truly sure where to start my day. Was I in a store looking at the antique glassware's, was I in the restaurant at a back booth looking at reprints I had made of an airplane painting, was I really resting my head against the chest of a handsome man with a warm inviting smile and graceful voice. Or did my clock read 6:34 a.m. as I awoke in my own bed on a Tuesday morning?

Temperature: -33 F
Dew point: -37 F
Altimeter: 3067

Sunrise 10:23 a.m.
Sunset 2:58 p.m.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fata Morgana

Fata Morgana

The dark areas between the mountains and
the valley floor ~ hour glass in shape are
described as being a fata morgana.

-24 F currently
Sunrise 9:49 a.m.
Sunset 3:25 p.m.


Thursday, November 20, 2008


Addictions are hard to endure. Compulsive actions are hard to control. If these actions become a hindrance to your everyday routine or these actions impede on another person’s space or rights than you should make a change. I am not fit to stand on the pulpit and preach. I am not here to judge only to share.

There are times when my body craves that smoke from a cigar or cigarette, that sip of wine, that piece of chocolate, bread hot from the oven slathered in butter or a warm cup of rich dark coffee with fresh cream. All those things that when you have to much of is... well wonderful at first.

Everything in moderation! Everything that we do or eat should be taken in small doses.

The toughest of the common addictions would have to be alcohol and cigarettes. They change your body chemistry overtime creating a psychological as well as an emotional need for consumption. Nicotine creates a stimulation of adrenaline, which raises the blood pressure, heart rate and on average it takes about ten seconds for the substance to reach the brain creating the compulsive desire to smoke. It is the single most important preventable risk to human health.

As for alcohol addictions I must save that topic for another day.

If you quit once before you can again! If you have never stopped since you started, you can do it, be a quitter! Think of those loved ones who are around you every day, seeing your actions, breathing your second hand. To all those in my life who are smokers: I love you and care about your long-term health. For each of you I have reasons as to why you should muster up the strength to put the cigarettes down and walk away. And promise me that when next fall rolls around and I am craving a cigarette, please, please remind me of my words today.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looking Glass

We spend a lot of time looking in a mirror or looking out a window. My window to the world is in my office. I can see a large expanse of land as the building is situated on a hill overlooking the valley. The trees are cleared in just the right spots for me to have a great view of the mountain range in the distance. Some days Denali shines in full glory.

I have a small collection of windows in my house that have been made into stain glass art pieces or frames for my ever-loved photo's. I have just refinished this window and cut the matte for the photos and am looking forward to filling it with photos.

Every art window in my house has a story and this window was, up until recently, a window on the house of my childhood best friend. They had taken it out during a recent kitchen remodel. We packaged it up for the 3000-mile journey back to Alaska and it’s now ready for photos.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fears ~ Worry

To what fears do I own up to? What fears have I faced? Challenged and conquered? How many of our fears are truly in our control? Or in the control of others? Which fears do we face by choice or fears we smack into, no choice in the matter only to proceed forward giving it our all. Live or die!

Fearing for that which is out of your control is more akin to a worry. Where do I place my worries? Those that are out of my charge? In a pocket, a jar or in prayer?  

Free your heart of worry and fear. Trust in the foundations you have laid.

I have recently verbalized my worry about who will be the mother of my grandchildren. What will she be like. Loving, kind, compassionate, yet firm in guidance, fair in the teachings and consistent in all things. I am a grandchild in this circle. How am I doing dear grandmother? Were you worried for me as I worry for the future? There were years of just cause for worry when it came to my young adult life. Rest knowing those years only made me stronger as I fear less and smile more.

If your fear is a stumbling block. Face it. If your fear is a worry set it down. If your fear is something to avoid, that is what husbands are for, all those legged, furry, and winged creatures. You can also rely on a jar, a box, or a tennis ball racket!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Waiting for Your Return


Wait! Wait! Wait! To soon we are lead to the gallows, to soon it all comes to an end and we are parted. Rent from each other when the heat was burning strong, just when my love for you was mounting upward ever higher. Your company I grew to enjoy. Torn as lovers pleading, begging for the other not to leave.

In the darkness I dream of you. In the darkness I imagine you are there. I long to follow you. I know you are needed elsewhere and you had to leave. As I must stay here bound to my obligations. Forced to stand frozen in the cold snow breathing the frigid air of winters dark night.

I am counting the days until your return. Those precious seconds at first will be my delight to behold.

Written by Julia Mist D'June ~ November 2008 ~ novice poet


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Demotivational Posters ~ looking at life in the opposite.
Good for a laugh when you are feeling the dark of winters morning.

As one of the perfectionists this is one of my personal favorites.

As the Queen of the World ~ I do enjoy watching others work,
especially if it benefits the queen!
I would also like to see their handiwork up close.


Sunday, November 9, 2008


Our motivators come in a variety of flavors. For the most part we are motivated by a desire to obtain something. Knowledge, love, material possessions, an understand of self or value in ourselves. The Antique Road Show measures the value of an object based on who made it or who might have owned said object. Looking at myself I can see my worth using these same guidelines as I am of God belonging to God.

Strength, they say, comes from within, the light that illuminates the way is inside of our hearts. In order for it to light the way to something special you must believe it's special. There is no secret ingredient ~ you just have to believe that there is!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Superman Vision

This week I had the opportunity to see the world though Superman's eyes. The mountains and those sheep never looked better. The rest of my world ~ well let's just say that hot pokers jabbed into my eyes would have felt better. So back to the drawing board this morning with Dr. Bob and low and behold I already have all the other extra sensory perceptions so that my eyes do not have to carry the full load of super heroism.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the Quiet

In the Quiet

Stillness rolls across the land, no one speaks nor utters a word save for the small inconspicuous words on the weather. The lightning flash of the headlines disappear and all that can be seen of the moon is a malformed glow behind misty clouds.

Our world is shrouded in the night, evil thoughts from unholy creatures are on the wind. From white to blue to the coming black ~ consuming all that is just and right in its darkness. Fear is an unwelcome companion.

This to shall pass, stand firm your faith.

Written by Julia Mist D'June ~ November 2008 ~ novice poet


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Moral Majority

As voters we seem to not hear much about the 'moral majority' any more. And if we do what is the moral code of the majority. One has to wonder what this implies. Does it imply that the moral majority is now the moral minority? It has been said that we are on the cusp of history? History in the making goes beyond the gender or the persons ethnic background. History in the making that could change our trajectory. History that could break apart our nation into splinters.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bleeding Scabbing Scar

When we loose someone we love or experience an emotional loss there are stages, I suppose, that you have to go through. There is the bleeding of the freshly opened wound. This could happen in the form of a slow cut that we could see coming say a loved one with terminal cancer or the death of an elderly parent. Or the gashing open of the flesh that requires the swift hand of a medic, either way the bleeding must be stopped to form the scab that will leave the scar.

It is the scabbing stage of grief and loss that I wonder about. We do heal at our own pace and use different techniques to accomplish this healing. How does one keep from picking at the scab?

Perhaps this train of thought is due to getting older, as we age and gain more knowledge and retrospect on life, we can see more clearly our mortality. More importantly for me at this time is the mortality of my parents. There have been friends and loved ones in my life as of late that have lost their parents causing me to wonder what to say, how to act. Trying hard to avoid those killer cliches.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

End of Introduction ~ Getting Down to Business

Grief and loss: we have all been educated on how to acquire things. We have been taught how to get an education, job, buy a house, etc. There are colleges, universities, trade schools, and technical schools. You can take a course in virtually anything that might interest you.

What education do we receive about dealing with loss? Loss is more predictable and inevitable than gain, and yet we are woefully ill prepared to deal with loss. What type of examples have our parents and family members been on how to sort through the conflicting feelings caused by a significant emotional loss?

Killer cliches: Time heals all wounds. You should be over it by now. You have to keep busy.

What other killer cliches have you heard?

How can we, as parents, better prepare our children?


Monday, October 27, 2008

Juniperus brevifolia


Juniperus brevifolia
 (Azores Juniper
) is a species of juniper that is endemic to the the Azores. A little know paradise to most of us, the Azores hold a critical place in the history of the Americas. The island of Terceira is the third in the chain of eight and I happen to think that being third is one of the best places to be.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Together At Last


Juniper berries have long been used as medicine by many cultures around the globe as well as in Scandinavian cuisine to impart a sharp and clear flavor. They are a symbol of longevity, strength, athleticism, and fertility.

A short study of mistletoe in junipers concluded that more juniper berries sprouted in stands where mistletoe is present. The mistletoe attracts berry-eating birds which also eat the juniper berries creating an interaction that leads to greater diversity.

Together at last the mistletoe and juniper will live a long and happy life!


Friday, October 24, 2008

What is in a title?

MJPost 2008-10-24-Image of the mistletoe leaves

The titles we choose can say something about the author, mine has a bit of a double meaning. My dear friend and fellow blogger has tons to do with my blogs name and its inspiration as she is quite a word smith. 

Kissing under the mistletoe ~ fitting as the season is upon us. Kissing under the mistletoe derives from Norse myths. It is the plant of peace in Scandinavian antiquity, if enemies met by chance beneath mistletoe in the forest, they laid down their arms and maintained a truce until the next day.

Mistletoe has long been regarded as an aphrodisiac and fertility herb. It also bears fruit at the time of the winter solstice, the birth of the New Year.


Here We Go

Getting started on something new can be an awkward choice. To be or not to be a blogger? The question we all have asked ourselves.

Well here I go ready or not! This wave waits for no one.
