Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looking Glass

We spend a lot of time looking in a mirror or looking out a window. My window to the world is in my office. I can see a large expanse of land as the building is situated on a hill overlooking the valley. The trees are cleared in just the right spots for me to have a great view of the mountain range in the distance. Some days Denali shines in full glory.

I have a small collection of windows in my house that have been made into stain glass art pieces or frames for my ever-loved photo's. I have just refinished this window and cut the matte for the photos and am looking forward to filling it with photos.

Every art window in my house has a story and this window was, up until recently, a window on the house of my childhood best friend. They had taken it out during a recent kitchen remodel. We packaged it up for the 3000-mile journey back to Alaska and it’s now ready for photos.


1 comment:

CJ said...

I didn't recognize it a t first... WOW! "Looks Great!" were Miss Em's words when I told her it was our old kitchen window. It didn't take you long to get the window done. I'm glad you were able to use it...I like to reuse instead of throw. Are you hanging it on a wall? What are you putting in it...MN pictures? Email me a picture when you have it filled and hung.