Saturday, March 28, 2020

Diaries of a Foisted Home Office

*Because humor is currently my way of dealing with this very stressful time*

Home Office Inmate #32620

Day three: I have forgotten what day of the week it is (already) and have answered a work call - turned on the computer and proceeded to be helpful. IT IS SATURDAY! Serious personality flaw. What is up with my overwhelming sense of needing to be helpful.

On another note - the office phone received a call - I was able to listen to the message via an email - and called them back on my cell phone - issue resolved. Win!


In all seriousness I am thankful to have a job that has been able to accommodate me working from home. There are many upon many thousands of people world-wide that are no longer employed or have a steady source of income. These are trying scary days. My heart to everyone who is struggling. Currently my job is to continue to support our students as they too navigate the world of on-line learning - which most of them did not sign up to do.

As we all learn to adjust to our ever changing global situation - I will continue to share a bit of humor - I for one need it. I hope that it does not offend anyone, and that you too can find something in your daily lives that adds a smile or perhaps a laugh.

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