Monday, February 24, 2020

Kaua'i Holiday ~ Waimea Canyon

14 miles long, 1 mile wide and more than 3,600 feet deep

It was a great day for a drive, parking was a bit slim but other tourists were also coming and going so we did not miss out on any of the sights. There is a parking pass fee of $5.00 (or was it $10.00) but this parking pass is good all day and at all three of the main parking areas in the Waimea State Park.  

We did have to turn away a local when he came by looking for a ride. Maybe he was just looking for lunch, either way we declined this particular invitation to help.  Heehee!


1 comment:

Galen said...

Glad you caught a clear day up there at Waimea! It is, as you know, one of the wettest spots on earth and it's sometimes hard to get a clear day when it isn't dumping rain!