Friday, November 15, 2019

2020 Vision

There have been days, even months, in the past five years where my vision of what our future was going to look like was muddled with uncertainty. Before moving to Anchor-town the path forward seemed easy, obvious, attainable. We would have an idea, devise a plan, and implement the plan into action. These recurring uncertain days have been unsettling to say the least, and it is high-time to put these days behind us and have a sharper vision of our future.

We have tasked ourselves with clearing away the overgrowth of debris in our lives, both physical and emotional, our goal is to have an unblemished view of our future. The coming new year brings about opportunities for rejuvenation.

We have experienced a long fall, metaphorically speaking. I suppose you can say it has been a time of resting, and gaining strength. Now it is time to use the gift of our rejuvenated spirits. Time to foster healthy ideas, devise the plan, and see where 2020 leads us.

Our 2020 vision ~ rejuvenation!


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