Friday, November 30, 2018

Earthquake ~ 6.7 or 7.2 = BIG


Aftershocks are still rolling through... this did not make me happy.
They are still calculating the data on the magnitude.


Then this happened... a second quake that may or may not have been an aftershock.

Below is the updated data for the first quake.

*Update at 9:13 *

I am calling it a day...


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Less is More

Less counting calories and more wise meal portioning

Less sweeteners and more enjoying foods true flavor

Less jars and more original packaging

Less quantity and more quality

Diligence is required to maintain a healthy relationship with food. When we let our emotions rule over this relationship, overindulgence can create a false sense of hunger. The amount of food we think we crave and the amount that our body truly needs can be vastly different.

Today is a good day to let the less be more.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

It's a Small World After All

Happy Thanksgiving greetings!
From Alaska to Arizona to Antarctica it is a small world after all!


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Did You Ever Imagine

When you were five years old and jumping off the arm of the couch in your Rainbow Avenger cape did you ever dream it possible that you would be in Antarctica for the fourth once in a lifetime trip admiring the view? Yeah me neither. So excited for you and your adventures.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I Might Be...

Do you ever feel that you've reached the end of the internet? Like there is nothing else to read, let alone write. I might be on a break.


Friday, November 9, 2018

High Five Friday for Pocket Change

High five Friday for pocket change and other travel finds that end up making their way home.

When life leads you to new lands the best souvenirs are the small items that carry with them a story of an afternoon spent exploring along the waters edge.

Have an excellent Friday and restful weekend ahead.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Green-Eyed Monster

Green-Eye is among us adding fuel to the flames of jealousy. It feeds on our perception of an inadequate self. Green-Eye wants us to look at our flaws and goads us into projecting these self-alleged shortcomings in another’s direction.

When Green-Eye senses it has secured a footing in someone’s life, it digs in and goes for the heart. It wants you to yearn greedily for what another person possesses. Green-Eye might even convince you to take that something by force, at all cost, to make it your own. When force is not an option conniving words will suffice to inflict the necessary wounds to appease Green-Eye’s desires.

There is a Green-Eyed monster in each of us, something hard-coded, something we must have needed in the past to insure the survival of our species.

It is time to lead the evolutionary charge to put Green-Eye in a box on a shelf to collect dust. We must let kindness and generosity and love fuel the flames of our daily lives. Until enough time has elapsed where this survival tactic is no longer necessary.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Something New

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” 

~ Peter F. Drucker ~

Monday, November 5, 2018

Who's that Knocking

Who's that knocking? Oh hello there Winter! Nice to see you, please do come in and tell me what you have been up to these past few months?


Friday, November 2, 2018

The Power of 13

The power of the number 13 has long held us in its trance. We gaze in amazement when good things in our life contain the 13th digit, are divisible by 13 or come in groups with so much frequency and clarity that it is hard to ignore the power of 13.

From the early days of our relationship, Josh and I have noticed this number frequently popping up, keenly trying to get our attention. “I am here,” notice me says 13, “I am here to bring joy in your life. I am bringing you a gift”. And as of late this gift has been tremendous.

In order to do this story true justice I really should back up and start at the beginning.

In June we found ourselves at the water’s edge, the bridge to cross was in front of us. The water was vast and the other side was shadowed in mist. Do we cross the bridge into new and unfamiliar territory? Do we go left or perhaps right along the water’s edge? Downstream to settle into a comfortable and perhaps a slightly boring life or upstream to challenge our present circumstances.

We have all been at this exact spot. We have all pondered these same questions. Each situation, each change in our lives we ask ourselves which way we should turn. Many variables come into play each time we find ourselves at the water’s edge. Each time we choose a different path. We have our sound reasons, and for us, this time the power of 13 guided us across the bridge into the mist of the unknown.

This bridge, built on a foundation of 13, meant that Josh’s new job would have him flying the Boeing 767 (7+6=13, 6+7=13, 767/13=59). His last day at EAC (Everts Air Cargo) was 7.6 where he was a flight crewmember for 13 years. When he called Rob, the owner and CEO of EAC, to tell him about this great opportunity Josh was schedule to fly 13 remaining days, and he picked up his last paycheck from EAC on the 13th.

Atlas, his new employer, needed him to make photocopies of his documents as part of the pre-employment check; the copying cost was $7.67. When he received access to the CBT (computer-based training), there were 113 modules to work through, and on the first day of training we knew we had made the right choice to cross that bridge into the mist and fog of the unknown as there were 13 people (including Josh) in class.

Yet this particular story of the power of 13 does not end there as two and a half months later Josh arrived home on the 13th and we enjoyed 13 days together before he headed out on his first flight for Atlas. From Hawaii to Guam, but that is another story for another day.
